Narrated by Helen Lewis Have you heard of Dawn Fraser, Australia's swimming legend? She was voted Australia's greatest ever female athlete in...
Stories from Henley and Grange
Hendrika (Henny) de Vries
Hendrika de Vries, born and raised in Amsterdam, emigrated to Adelaide with her family as a young girl and became a swimming champion, young wife,...
Grange & Henley Beach Bowling Club 1906-1923
A meeting to discuss forming the Grange and Henley Beach Bowling Club was held at the Grange Institute on the 12th May, 1906 at which Alderman King...
Henley Beach Kiosk
The Kiosk in Henley Square has played a significant role in the life of local residents. It opened in December 1911 with a roof top garden and...
Torrens Outlet
Most of the Henley and Grange areas were low-lying reedy flood plains trapped in by the coastal sand dunes.. During heavy rainfall the Torrens River...
Henley & Grange Soldiers’ Memorial
The Memorial was built as part of the Town Hall and is dedicated to the men who served in the Great War (1914-1918). Twenty-eight men from Henley...
Henley Town Hall
Narrated by Marie Hagen The Henley and Grange Council decided to build a Town Hall in 1919 and used £1,500 in funds raised through the 1921 Henley...
Banner photo: Henley Beach January 1948, Courtesy of th History Trust of South Australia [public domain]