General Contact Details
Henley & Grange Historical Society
PO Box 56, Henley Beach SA 5022
Phone: 0403 502 201
General enquiries:

Contribute to this site
We are always interested in hearing more about our local history. If you have a story to tell, information to share or a question to ask please email us at download and fill in the Collecting Memories Word Document or use the form below.
By making such submissions we assume that you are providing permission for publication (see our Disclaimer and Privacy information). Please contact us if you have any further questions regarding contributions to this site.
Send us your story
Complete your details below and add your story. You can also attach images and documents. Please include a title and description of any uploaded files including your name and contact details so that we can can properly acknowledge sources where relevant.
Guidelines for Preparing Images for Publication
Please make a copy of your original photos or scanned images and use the copy to attach to an email. If possible, resize the copy so that the maximum width or height (whichever is greater) is approximately 1000 pixels and/or the file size is 3MB or less. Save the image in JPG format using ‘High Quality’ settings. This makes it easier to attach images to your email.
Other documents such as PDF files can also be uploaded. If any files are particularly large and won’t attach to an email or the form below, please contact us and we will arrange an alternative way for you to send the documents.