Narrated by Helen Lewis Have you heard of Dawn Fraser, Australia's swimming legend? She was voted Australia's greatest ever female athlete in...
Stories from Henley and Grange
A Grange School Story (c. 1920)
Ron Jones, who was born in 1915, lived in Grange since he was two years old. In this audio interview recorded by George Willoughby in March 1988 he...
Henley South Kiosk
Narrated by Quenten Iskov Do you remember what Saltpetre is? From the 1930s until the late 1970s, a kiosk operated on the beach in front of the...
Henley Town Hall
Narrated by Marie Hagen The Henley and Grange Council decided to build a Town Hall in 1919 and used £1,500 in funds raised through the 1921 Henley...
Joy Flights on Henley Beach in the 1920s
Narrated by Quenten Iskov Pioneer aviator, Bill Smith was born in Norwood and after serving in World War I returned to Adelaide in 1923. During the...
Henley Heydays
Marie Hagen talks about the vintage heydays of Henley Beach "The heyday of Henley and Grange would have probably been from 1900 to 1920 when it was...
Floods and Chooks
Edna Dunning lived all her life near the tram viaduct or in later years near the former site of the viaduct in Hazel Terrace, Henley Beach South....
Banner photo: Henley Beach January 1948, Courtesy of th History Trust of South Australia [public domain]