Ozone Tea Rooms

When the Henley Hotel was owned by the Whallins they built the elegantly designed Ozone Tearooms next door in 1912, where the bottle shop now stands.

The two storey tearooms, run by Miss Whallin catered for holiday makers and local residents alike.

The Register newspaper (1912) described the new café as having the most modern design, and presents a pleasing aspect… the eight leadlight windows in both stories can be opened.  The first floor is set apart for temperance drinks, sweets, cigars and so on…. “ 

“Up-to-date” tearooms on the second floor provided a great view to the sea.  In 1914 electric lights were added and the surrounding garden became an outdoor lounge with “sunshades”. 

The name of the tearooms was chosen to reflect the popular view of the seaside being good for your health because of the higher ozone concentration. Ozone is a different structural assembly of oxygen atoms which causes it to have a “fresh” smell, evoking associations with the purifying properties in the air. Often this was a principle reason for the building of hospitals and convalescent homes in beachside areas.

Image credit: Henley & Grange Historical Society


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