Improved Postal Facilities Needed at Grange!

“The postal facilities at Grange are a hundred years behind the times,” said Mr. G. W. Stacey, on Tuesday morning, 30th March 1909. 

Feature image: Marett’s Store and 1st Grange Post Office, c.1890
(Courtesy of State Library of South Australia B 15190 – public domain)

Did Grange ever have an official (departmental) post office?

H&GHS research (thus far) indicates that Grange Post Offices over the years have all been agencies, representing independent businesses licenced to offer Departmental products and services.

The first Grange Post Office began as a “Post Office Agency” when it was co-located in Marett’s General Store on the corner of Beach Street and Military Road in 1882.

Not satisfied with an agency, Grange residents ‘argued’ for a departmental post office as early as 1909 as reported in the Express and Telegraph Newspaper on Tuesday March 30, 1909……… (read on)

Please add your memories of any of the Grange Post offices in the form below.

the postal facilities at Grange are 100 years behind the times!

The postal facilities at Grange are a hundred years behind the times,” said Mr. G. W. Stacey, on Tuesday morning, 30th March 1909, when, in company with Messrs. Vawser and O’Halloran, he waited upon the Deputy Postmaster-General, Mr. R. Waddy, in order to bring before the department the necessity for better postal facilities at the sea-side resort.

Senator Vardon, who introduced the deputation, said that the postal arrangements at Grange were altogether inadequate, and therefore great inconvenience was suffered by the residents. Grange was a growing place, but there was no delivery by letter-carrier, and the residents thought the time had come when they were deserving of a little more consideration by the postal authorities.

Mr. Vawser asked, first of all, for a departmental post-office, which would enable them to enjoy reasonable telegraphic and money-order facilities. Money orders transmitted to residents at Grange had to be made payable at Henley Beach or Adelaide. They had a delivery at the contract post office in the morning and one about 6 o’clock in the evening. A letter reaching Adelaide from Melbourne at 10 a.m. would not be delivered to a person living at Grange until sometime between 6 and 7 p.m. As the mail for Adelaide closed at 7 p.m. no time was given a person to reply by return of post.

The guard of the Adelaide train had often been asked to post letters at Woodville, but, being a busy man he sometimes found when he returned home after his day’s work that in his inside pocket was a letter that he had promised to post for a resident of  Grange.

The present population of Grange was equal to that of Henley Beach at the time when a post-office was established there. There were now between 120 and 130 houses at Grange.

He urged that the department should build a post-office or else rent more suitable premises.

Source: Express and Telegraph, Tues 30 March 1909, page 1

and what about telegram and telephone services?

Mr. O’Halloran pointed out that the telephone cabinet at Grange was a stifling compartment in summer and did not give the privilege of privacy. There were also no facilities in regard to the delivery of telegrams. Again and again telegrams had been useless by the time they were received. 

Mr. Stacey said there was no privacy in regard to the postal, telegraphic, or tele-phonic arrangements at Grange. The telephone cabinet was about 4 ft. square and 7 ft. high, and he had been sometimes forced to stand inside for an hour before he got the number he wanted.

Mr. Waddy, in reply, said that the best cabinet was, in his opinion, one formed of baize curtains, which deadened the sound well, but people thought they enjoyed more privacy when they got inside wooden walls. There was generally enough honour amongst English people to urge them to step out of hearing when anyone was using the telephone. Last year the departmental revenue from the Grange contract post-office was £65 and the expenditure £57.  The revenue from Henley Beach was £431.

The telephone exchange at Henley Beach swells the profits and many of the subscribers are residents of Grange.

Mr. Waddy went on to say that he was not allowed to recommend the erection of a post office if the departmental revenue of the place did not reach £400 a year. He would make arrangements for the sale and collection of money orders and would give them a midday mail each way and a mail to Adelaide at 9 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. which would enable them to answer letters by return of post.

In regard to the inadequate accommodation, he would personally inspect the premises and would recommend that a delivery by letter carrier be affected once a day. The expenditure thus entailed would have to be provided for on the Estimates.

The residents of Grange, if they wanted a new post-office, should do all their postal business at Grange in order to swell the receipts. He would see that the post-office there was enabled to meet all the demands of the residents as regards stamps and so forth.

Source: Express and Telegraph, Tues 30 March 1909, page 1

The current Grange Post Office is an agency co-located with a pharmacy on Military Rd. (as at March, 2024)

“Despite our best attempts, things sometimes just stay the same.”
(H&GHS editor comment)

Armed Hold-up at the Grange PO (1957)

Source:Henley & Grange Newspaper, March 24 1958

There was an attempted hold-up at the Grange Post Office, on the 25th October 1957. This was a very rare event for the time.

Source: Henley & Grange Historical Society

In the attack, Postmaster John Linkson was severely battered about the head and body when he fought off an armed assailant. He was about to close the Post Office for lunch, when a man, carrying a sawn-off .22 rifle, entered the office demanding money. John rushed through the opening in the counter and grappled with the man.

John Linkson – two weeks after the hold-up
Source: Suzanne Linkson

Although injured in the ensuing struggle, John succeeded in wrenching the rifle from the gunman throwing it through the door. An electrician working on a nearby house came to investigate and was just in time to see the would-be thief break free, rush to a car and make off at high speed.

The young man, chased by a motorist, crashed the stolen car into a creek near Marlborough Street, and ran across vacant paddocks. The police used clues obtained from the rifle to arrest him that night.

John spent three or four days in the Royal Adelaide Hospital, where he had 26 stitches inserted for head wounds. He was commended by the police for his action and was later thanked by the Department and presented with a Certificate of Merit.

Source: Suzanne Linkson

Grange Post Offices over the times

Grange PO, 3 Jetty St  c. 1990
Source: Henley & Grange Historical Society Collection

Grange PO 568 (now 314) Military Rd  c. 1936 – 1967
Source: Roger Edmonds

Source: Sands and McDougall Directories (1890 – 1973)

1890 – 1900 Maretts Store,
Beach St
Mr. C. Marett
1901 – 1912 Store,
Beach St
Mr. R. Johnson
1913 Store,
Beach St
Mr. R.D. Vawser
1914 Store & Tea Rooms, Jetty St Mr. J.F. Bates
1915 – 1916 Grocer, Cr. Jetty St / Military Rd Mr. R.C. Lanyon
1917 – 1920 Shop, Cr. Jetty St / Military Rd Mr. W.C. Tostevin
1921 – 1922 Jetty St
(Sth side)
Miss A.J. Archer
1923 – 1930 Jetty St
(Sth side)
Miss J.M. Gray
1931 – 1935 312 Military Rd Miss J.M. Gray
1936-1956 568 Military Rd (Note: road numbering change (was 312) Miss J.M. Gray
1957 – 1967 568 Military Rd Mr. J.F. Linkson
1968 – 1969 1a Jetty St
(Sth side)
Mr. J.F. Linkson
1970 – 1991 3 Jetty St
(Sth side)
Mr. J.F. Linkson
1991 -?? 7 Jettty St
(Sth side)
Mr. J.F. Linkson
??? – 2024 312 Military Rd ????


Can you assist us in completing the missing information? Please add your comments or memories of the Grange POs in the form below to enrich our historical record.



  1. Anthony Linkson

    Re the post offices, if John Linkson (my father)was held up in 1957, then I assume he was postmaster then, you only list him from 1960. I am sure PO was never at 1a, as this was always a deli?
    After 1991 it moved to Pharmacy next door at no 7. This is now the car park alongside.

    • Roger Edmonds

      Hi Anthony. Thank you for posting. If in error we will recheck our sources and correct. We believe your father came to Grange as an acting Postmaster when Miss Gray became ill and was no longer able to carry out her duties. This would have been in 1957. The Sands & McDougall directory of Grange still lists her as the Postmistress until 1959 when she must have retired and your father went from acting to permanent. I am sure he would have been doing all the work of a Postmaster during this time but maybe the position was being held open during this time by the Department for Miss Gray to return to duties – which she never did. The year your father became permanent Postmaster is first listed in the Sands & McDougall directory in 1960.

      Thanks too for the information on the location of the PO after 1991. We will also check the 1a Jetty St listing for the PO. Our information again would probably have come from the S&McD directory however government information is sometimes incomplete and your memory likely to be more accurate.

      Thanks again for responding to our post.

    • Roger Edmonds

      Hi again Anthony and thank you again for contributing to this discussion.

      We have changed the information in the table above to show John Linkson being in the role of the Postmaster at Grange PO from 1957-1967 when located at 568 Military Rd.

      Regarding the ‘deli’ on the corner….

      The S&McD directories show the Grange PO being at 1a Jetty St in 1968-9, and a ‘mixed business’ at 1 Jetty Street – the ‘deli’ that you recall always being there. Importantly the directory does not have a listing for 3 Jetty St until 1970 when it is the Grange PO address. One explanation may be that street numbering changed during 1969 with 1a and 1b Jetty St becoming 3 Jetty Street as these street numbers are not listed after 1969!

  2. Tricia Fairlie

    Is there book that can be purchased?

    • Roger Edmonds

      Not that we are aware Tricia. The information in the Grange PO stories have been carefully pieced togther from numerous research sources.


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