Henley Beach Swimming Pool

Narrated by Helen Lewis
Have you heard of Dawn Fraser, Australia’s swimming legend?
She was voted Australia’s greatest ever female athlete in 2013. She won four gold and three silver Olympic medals at the Olympic Games in Melbourne in 1956, Rome in 1960 and Tokyo in 1964.
Dawn Fraser
Image credit: National Archives of Australia
But what’s her connection to Henley Beach? She trained right here in the Henley Swimming Pool in preparation for the 1956 Olympic games.
Although swimming in the sea was good fun, a pool was a necessity for top competition and the Henley pool opened in 1934 right here on the foreshore as a private venture. It was an open air saltwater Olympic pool with eight lanes and a depth of 4.8 meters at the northern end. It had 3 metre and 10 metre diving towers and spring boards were also provided. The water was pumped from an inlet out at sea and frequently emptied and refilled.
The pool however was hammered from time to time by severe storms and high seas and following one episode of severe storm damage, after it had been closed for two years, it was taken over by Henley and Grange Council in 1955, made shallower to rectify the damage it had suffered and the 10 metre diving tower removed.
The pool closed and was demolished in 1985.
The pool was the home of the Henley and Grange Swimming Club, Australia’s oldest registered swimming club and continues to conduct an annual swim from the Henley to Grange jetty which began in 1917 and is steeped in history, legend and tradition. Neither inclement weather nor the occasional appearance of a shark early in the day has ever caused the event to be cancelled.
But, swimming costumes have changed a lot since these photos were in taken of swimmers competing in the event in 1922.
Image credit: State Library of South Australia B 69378
The Henley Pool was used for swimming carnivals by Henley High School. These were well attended.
What I remember the most was that, upon entering the changing rooms, you had to walk through a ‘pool’ of water, in a square concrete slab. It was fresh water, not sea/salt water – for washing of feet. I was told it was to stop foot diseases being spread. And when still in primary school (Grange), I did develop a verruca wart on the sole of one foot. I remember that ‘acid’ had to be put on it, to ‘eat’ it out. I was told that I got it from the pool, but have no idea if that is/was so. But I’m sure many who used the pool may not remember the entry walkthrough pool. I’m sure I only do because of the verruca.
At age 86 and living in California, I have fond memories of training in the Henley pool and winning “First Lady” in the 1954 Henley to Grange Jetty swim.
Hi Hendrika
Thank you for your personal reflection on the Henley Swimming Pool. Did you ever swim there with Dawn Fraser? Do you have any photos you could share with the H&GHS of your time at the pool?
Roger Edmonds (on behalf of the H&GHS)
Hi Roger, I am currently writing a book about my years as a Dutch migrant and a swimmer in 1950s Australia. It will be published next year. I have a couple of photos I will try to send you. Such wonderful memories.
Greetings and happy Xmas Henny, remember you from the days training at the pool.
Its an absolute tragedy that we don’t have a sea pool. even Port Lincoln and Whyalla have them. Why not Adelaide?
We miss the old Henley saltwater pool.
Whyalla doesnt really have an outdoor pool, they closed it many years back, and as far as a sea pool goes there is a roped off area near the jetty for kids to swim, far from a pool.
I am 58 and can very vaguely remember doing my Bronze, Silver and Gold Medalions in that pool as a kid, prob was early to mid 70’s.
I grew up in Henley Beach and from a very young age was a member of H&GSC. I had the privilege to swim in a 100 m handicap race against Dawn Frazer, in which she gave me almost 50m head start. I’ll never forget the shock from her wake as she powered past me well before the finish.
I also competed in the Henley High School swimming carnivals and earned my Bronze Cross in the Henley Pool.
Great memories.
My siblings and I used to walk from West Beach to the Henley pool for swimming training in the winter and of course compete in the summer…good fun
My siblings and I used to walk fron West Beach to the Henley pool for swimming training in the winter and of course compete in the summer…good fun. That was 1983 and 1984
I remember that Dawn Fraser was living at Henley Beach for a few years, and she came to my church the Henley Beach Congregational Church and read a lesson.
As a child growing up in Henley I well remember the Henley Pool. I’m now 94 with these fond historical memories forever!
I used to do the 2 weeks of swimming lessons in Jan run for free by the Education Dept. from Jan ‘59 to at least Jan’62.
They were such a great experience. I used to catch the bus down Grange Road from Flinders Park and walk to and from the pool. I have some of my certificates still.
If only it was still there.
Just like the Rivetts on Tapleys Hill Road.