Blueline Drive In

Did you ever go to the Blue Line Drive In? Please tell us about it?

Located on the corner of West Beach Road and Military Road, the Blueline Drive-In opened in December 1954. It was the first drive-in theatre in South Australia. On opening night it played a “Heckle and Jeckle” cartoon, a News “featurette” and the main film “Genevieve”.

There were two nightly sessions starting at 8.00pm and 10.00pm. A full house was predicted for the opening, but in fact the press reported:

… there were tangled traffic scenes in the area when thousands of motorists tried to see the opening. Cars were queued for miles and many just parked outside on the side of the road hoping to watch the films from outside the fence”.

Image credit: Henley & Grange Historical Society

1 Comment

  1. Jillian Crider

    Yes, I went to the Blueline. Along with a lot of kids, we went in daylight hours – in pyjamas, and there was a playground with swings and things in front of the screen. Most kids would fall asleep in the cars, and would be carried in to their homes, once home.
    Later on I went on many ‘dates’ as a teen, there. Once in a ‘ute’, where we parked sideways, between 2 speakers, and we would use one for the back, one for the cabin, and being winter we had pillows and rugs, and about 10 of us teens in the one vehicle. I had a boyfriend with a big 1930s car, and we would put others in the huge boot, and once inside, let them out, so they got free entry, as entry was ‘per person’. not per vehicle.
    But strangely enough, I became part of the culture for drive-ins and movies, as I became a freelance artist in my late teens. I worked for Val Morgans and designed many of the ads. Before the show, and at interval, I’d stay in the car, and watch for my work, so I could see what it looked like on the screens. Then scramble for the kiosk just before the next movie started. Always double sessions. Also went to the one at Seaton, but the Blue Line was always my favourite.


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