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Henley Heritage Walk-SLSA-B-2411

Grange Jetty c. 1920

John Worton RSL Pres. (H&G) at Soldiers Memorial, Henley & Grange Town Hall, 1989

Ron Jones cleaning up the Grange Jetty, 1988

Car being driven along Military Road, Tennyson

Shops : Frontage, Seaview Road – present site of Henley Square

Cricket Match (near Beach Street, Grange) 1890s

Area near intersection of Henley Beach Road and Tapley’s Hill Road (now in the vicinity of Caroline and Louise Streets) c. 1888

Ladies Lifesaving Competition

Tom Jennings, Secretary HGSLC c. 1988

18th Light Horse Sabre Squadron 1929

Henley Beach Sand Castle Competition C1930s

Aerial photo of West Lakes showing shopping centre, football stadium 1976 Port v Sturt SANFL Grand Final, 66,897 in attendance

Henley Life Saving Club 1935-6

Sturt’s House ‘The Grange’ 1908. Mr & Mrs J. Hardy and daughter Ivy.

George Willoughby leading a Grange Walking Tour on 19th November 1989
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Banner photo: Henley Beach January 1948, Courtesy of the History Trust of South Australia [public domain]