We are delighted to announce Bill Prior, President of the SA Police Historical Society, will be our guest speaker providing a presentation about the strong and vibrant history of South Australia Police.
Bill was born and educated in Eudunda. He joined South Australia Police as a Cadet in 1965 and retired in 2011 at the rank of Detective Chief Inspector.
As a non-commissioned officer, Bill served as a patrol officer in the Adelaide metropolitan area, suburban and Murray Bridge general patrols, Burnside CIB, the Major Crime Squad as a homicide detective, and the Community Policing Section, where he was one of the officers who researched and launched the first Neighbourhood Watch Program on 1st May 1985.
Bill was appointed to the Executive Committee of the SA Police Historical Society in 2002 and served an initial term as President from 2010 to 2018, and again from 2020 through to current time.
Come along to the AGM and learn interesting facts, including the colony of South Australia not having a police force until 16 months after it was founded! South Australia Police being recognised as the third oldest centrally controlled police force in the world, after the London and Dublin metropolitan forces. Bill will also discuss the role of the South Australian Police Historical Society, including the development of a new Museum, required as a result of the demolition of the Thebarton Barracks to facilitate construction of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.