Journals and other publications
Browse H&G Historical Society Journals
Journals from 1980 to 1999 shown below are free to download (as a PDF) and view using Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar PDF viewer software.
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Subject | Journal | Page | Notes |
Abell, Elizabeth | 12 | 35 | Speaker - Over 50's Community Centre |
Aborigines | 4 | 23 to 24 | |
Aborigines | 20 | 46 | Names, origins of place names/camping places |
Aborigines | 25 | 26 to 27 | At Sturt's House |
Aborigines | 2 | 17 to 19 | Witoinga |
Aborigines - See also Kaurna | 5 | 36 | |
Activities for Young | 19 | 6 | |
Adams, Mr | 27 | 18 | Shop |
Adelaide & Hindmarsh Tram Company | 37 | 5 | |
Adelaide Airport | 13 | 21 to 23 | Image - Aerial view of proposed site 1946 |
Adelaide Airport | 20 | 49 | |
Adelaide Buildings | 13 | 39 | |
Adelaide Cemetries | 40 | 15 to 17 | Image - Speaker - Robert Pitt |
Adelaide Hunt Club | 45 | 50 | image |
Adelie Blizzard | 35 | 19 | Image - 1913 Antartic Expedition newsletter |
Adey, William J. | 10 | 39 | Director of Education, Grange cricketer |
Aged Care Homes | 43 | 24 | Greenglades, Lansdowne, Orana, St Clavers, St Laurences Nursing Homes |
Aird, Edith | 42 | 61 to 62 | Image - Resident of Henley Beach |
Aldersey, William & Ruby | 37 | 57 | Ivanhoe home |
Allanson Family | 40 | 45, 48, 51 | Image - |
Allen Family | 44 | 41, 43 | Image |
Allen Family | 44 | 41, 43 | Image |
Allen Family | 44 | 41, 43 | Image - |
Allen, Dr. Mervyn | 43 | 24 | Anaesthetist & long term resident at Henley South |
Allen, Dr. Mervyn | 41 | 80 to 81 | Image - Merv's Landing |
Allen, Harry J. | 2 | 13 | Methodist Church Historian |
Allen, Harry J. | 20 | 47 to 48 | History 1904-96 |
Allen, Harry J. | 37 | 44 to 51 | |
Amber, Charlie | 38 | 28 | WWI veteran |
Anderson, Harold | 16 | 26 | Mayor |
Anderson, Lainie | 40 | 22 to 23 | Image - Speaker - Ross & Keith Smith Flight |
Anderson, William (architect) | 38 | 61 to 62 | |
Andre, Roger | 14 | 16 to 18, 39 | N Kola Donga |
Andre, Roger | 40 | 4 | Editor of Journal 2006-17 |
Andrewartha, John (West Torrens Hist. Soc.) | 38 | 10 | Speaker - History of The Reedbeds & Fulham |
Angas, Hamish | 12 | 33 | State Heritage |
Anglican Church - See Henley Beach Anglican Church | |||
Angus, Dorothy | 4 | 15, 32 | Cinema Pianist |
Angus, Fred & Marjorie | 7 | 13, 31 | Mayor & Mayoress |
Angus, Fred & Marjorie | 8 | 17 to 20 | Reminiscences |
Angus, Fred & Marjorie | 17 | 42 | Swim Club medallion |
Angus, Fred & Marjorie | 29 | 47 | |
Annie Lisle | 9 | 29 | Ship's figurehead |
Antartica | 14 | 39 to 40 | |
Apponyi, Silvio | 13 | 28 | Sculptor |
Arbor Days | 5 | 13 | |
Arbor Days | 10 | 9 | |
Arbor Days | 11 | 32 | |
Arbor Days | 14 | 14 | |
Archie Badenoch (boat) | 37 | 8 to 9 | Cruise by Historical Society |
Architecture Museum (Uni SA) | 37 | 21 to 23 | Speaker - Dr. Julie Collins |
Ardill Family | 9 | 12 | Football |
Army Museum of SA | 37 | 24 to 27 | Society Visit |
Arts Society - See also Henley & Grange Arts Society | 15 | 41 | |
Ashford, Rev. D.B. | 12 | 5 to 9 | Congregational Church |
Atkin, W. | 3 | 20 | Dairyman |
Atkin, W. | 5 | 13 | Dairyman |
Atkin, W. | 13 | 24 | Dairyman |
Atkins, Eddy | 13 | 26 | |
Australian Comfort Funds (ACF) | 45 | 27 | |
Automobiles - See Motor Vehicles | |||
Aviation | 4 | 16 | |
Aviation | 10 | 11 to 14 | |
Aviation | 17 | 43 | Seaplane, Kirkcaldy Beach |
Ayton, Mr. | 17 | 6 | Landowner 1936-50 |
Badenoch's Bakery | 3 | 7 to 9 | |
Badenoch's Bakery | 5 | 10 | |
Badenoch's Bakery | 19 | 5 | |
Badenoch's Bakery | 27 | 18 | Shop |
Badges (fundraising) | 39 | 15 to 16 | Image - |
Baines, Andrew | 22 | 13 | Artist, Festival of Coast Exhibition |
Baker, Fred | 27 | 17 | Shop |
Bakeries - See Badenoch, Jackson, Henley Café etc. | |||
Band Concerts | 5 | 22, 27, 31 | Image - Programme 1925 |
Band Concerts | 6 | 6 | |
Band Concerts | 7 | 16 | |
Band Concerts | 10 | 5 to 6 | |
Band Concerts | 11 | 11 to 13 | |
Band Concerts | 15 | 44 | |
Band Concerts | 16 | 7, 46 | |
Band Concerts | 17 | 12 | |
Band Concerts | 18 | 40 | |
Band Concerts | 19 | 30, 31 | Tram breakdown with Band on board |
Band Concerts | 20 | 29 | Henley |
Band Concerts | 24 | 24 | Prospect Band |
Band Concerts | 29 | 16 | |
Band Concerts | 38 | 56 to 57 | Kensingson & Norwood Municipal Band |
Band Concerts | 37 | 6 | Bandstand re-location |
Banking | 6 | 36, 37 | |
Banking | 12 | 36 | |
Barcoo, the | 19 | 35 | |
Barcoo, the | 19 | 48 | |
Barcoo, the | 29 | 12 | |
Barker, Eleanor (Cottage Homes) | 37 | 27 to 30 | Image - |
Barrett, Kate | See List of Office Holders | ||
Barrey, Kenneth Cyril/Eva | 28 | 50, 51 | |
Barrey, Mrs Walter (President, Grange & Henley MBHA) | 45 | 40 | |
Barrey, Walter (Mayor) | 7 | 28 | |
Barrey, Walter (Mayor) | 23 | 15 | |
Barrington, Rodney (speaker) | 45 | 9 | |
Bathing Houses | 15 | 14 to 15 | Gift by Wilkinson & Co. |
Bathing Houses, tents & stalls | 24 | 24, 25 | Excerpts from Council Minutes |
Bathing Houses, tents & stalls | 31 | 7 to 9 | Image - |
Bathing Houses, tents & stalls | 32 | 29 to 31 | |
Bathing Houses, tents & stalls | 37 | 6 | |
Battams, Dr. Samantha | 42 | 7 | Image - Speaker & author of "The Red Devil" |
Batten, Dorothy | 15 | 41 | Speaker - Arts Society |
Bauer, Yvonne | 34 | 61 to 66 | Image - |
Baxter, Cyril | 33 | 41 to 43 | Image - |
Beach By-laws & Bathers | 25 | 6 to 14 | 1934, 1958, 1982 |
Beach Girl Contest | 42 | 42 | |
Beach Horse Races | 14 | 20 to 24 | |
Beach Horse Races | 14 | 20 to 24 | |
Beach House (Tennyson) | 39 | 44 to 49 | Image - 81 Seaview Road, |
Beach Shacks | 5 | 32 | |
Beach Shacks | 6 | 5 | |
Beach Shacks | 15 | 32, 33 | |
Beach Shacks | 19 | 13 | |
Beach Shacks | 32 | 29 to 33 | Image - |
Beach Wear | 25 | 44 | Advertisement, John Martins 1933 |
Beachcombing | 39 | 50 to 51 | |
Beachcroft | 15 | 7 to 12 | Grange Boys & Girls Club |
Beachcroft | 34 | 17 | Image - Nameplate |
Beaches & Foreshore | 3 | 17 to 18 | |
Beaches & Foreshore | 5 | 28 to 29, 33 to 34 | |
Beaches & Foreshore | 8 | 14 to 16, 17 to 19, 20 | |
Beaches & Foreshore | 12 | 16 | |
Beaches & Foreshore | 14 | 43, 44 | |
Beaches & Foreshore | 15 | 13 to 16 | |
Beaches & Foreshore | 16 | 12, 13 | |
Beaches & Foreshore | 19 | 13, 34 | Beach Shacks, Activities |
Beck David J. (Mayor) | 18 | 9 | |
Beck, Bucky (Milkman) | 40 | 72 | |
Beck, Chrissie | 44 | 20 | |
Beck, Chrissie | 44 | 20 | |
Beck, Chrissie | 44 | 20 | Teacher Grange Private School |
Beck, David J. | 37 | 52 to 54, 70 | Family |
Beck, David J. (Mayor) | 7 | 28 | |
Beck, David J. (Mayor) | 17 | 16, 17 | |
Beck, Edward & Margaret | 18 | 9 | |
Beck, Miss Jessie | 27 | 9 | Ran a school at Grange |
Beck, R.C. | 19 | 52 | Steeplechase, hounds Grange |
Belcher's Kiosk | 4 | 14 | |
Belcher's Kiosk | 19 | 51 | Holdens picnic at Henley Beach |
Bellingham, Henry | 20 | 38 to 39 | Grange Jetty Builder |
Bennett, J (blacksmith) | 45 | 54 | |
Bergamin, Vic | 5 | 23 | Racial Tolerance |
Bergamin, Vic | 20 | 28 | Shop |
Bergamin, Vic | 38 | 56 | Spelling as 'Bergman' |
Berry, Herbert | 25 | 24 to 27 | John Berry - Charles Sturt's Gardener |
Bicentenary | 10 | 24 to 28, 40 to 41 | |
Bicentennial Procession | 9 | 40 | |
Biggs, Ronald | 37 | 59 | |
Billinger, Rex | 12 | 33 to 34 | Speaker - Bottle Collecting |
Bills, Bev | 34 | 26 to 27 | Image - |
Birds | 21 | 17 | Grange Lakes |
Blackler & Fisher, Messrs (Grange Investment Company) | 45 | 49 | |
Blueline Drive-in Theatre | 43 | 39 to 40 | Image - See also - Drive In Picture Theatre |
Bob the Wonder Dog | 6 | 11 | |
Bob the Wonder Dog | 7 | 16 | |
Bob the Wonder Dog | 16 | 9 to 10 | Image - |
Bob the Wonder Dog | 29 | 54 to 55 | |
Border Mac | 29 | 55 | |
Boss, A.J. (owner Marineland) | 45 | 33 | |
Bottle Collecting | 12 | 33 to 34 | |
Bowden, Russell | 19 | 49 | Captain of SA Hockey Team, Grange Club |
Bowden, Russell | 24 | 10 to 16 | Bowden Printing & family |
Bowes, Booksellers | 44 | 37 | |
Bowes, Booksellers | 44 | 37 | |
Bowes, Booksellers | 44 | 37 | |
Bowling Club - See under name of Club, H.B. or Grange | |||
Boxthorn | 3 | 10 | |
Boxthorn | 9 | 16 to 17 | |
Boxthorn | 10 | 38 | |
Boxthorn | 11 | 15 | |
Boxthorn | 12 | 16 | |
Boxthorn | 16 | 23, 47 | |
Bradley, Jacob & Fred | 17 | 40 | Perpetual Trophy |
Bradley, Mark | 15 | 40 | Speaker - Vietnam |
Bragg, Professor | 19 | 39 | Wireless Telegraphy |
Brakout Creek - See also River Torrens Outlet | |||
Brammy, George | 11 | 508 | Contractor, Sturt House renovation |
Breaker, Malcolm Sawle | 22 | 19 to 25 | A Life Story |
Breakout Creek | 3 | 27 | |
Breakout Creek | 5 | 34 | |
Breakout Creek | 6 | 8 | |
Breakout Creek | 15 | 27 | |
Breakout Creek | 18 | 19 | |
Breakout Creek | 19 | 23 | |
Breakout Creek | 23 | 13 to 18 | Parliamentary Bill, map page 14 |
Breakout Creek | 28 | 27 to 31 | History of |
Brer, Mr. | 38 | 28 | Sandhill resident |
Breweries | 32 | 8 | Visit to Coopers Brewery |
Breweries, Western Suburbs | 30 | 30 to 34 | Image - |
Brian, Denis (Author) | 39 | 17 | Speaker & author "All the King's Men"- Hindmarsh Cricket Club |
Bridges | 4 | After 24 | Image - |
Bridges | 5 | 34 | |
Bridges | 6 | 8 | |
Bridges | 7 | 17 | |
Bridges | 10 | 8 | |
Bridges | 28 | 32, 33 | Image - Kirkcaldy Bridge |
Bridgland, E.T. | 2 | 21 to 24 | |
Brigg House | 20 | 48 | |
Briggs, Lieutenant | 10 | 13 | Aviator |
Britten-Jones, Sir Edmund | 28 | 7 to 12 | Image - |
Broken Hill Children at Henley Beach | 17 | 46 | |
Bromley, G. | 19 | 39 | Wireless Telegraphy |
Brown Falconer Architects | 43 | 27 to 29 | Architects for Western Community Hospital |
Bruce-Martin, B. | 10 | 4 | Speaker - History of Police Force |
Buckland (home) | 39 | 52 to 55, 56 to 59 | |
Bucknall, Frederick Estcourt | 11 | 36 to 37 | |
Bucknall, Frederick Estcourt | 20 | 37 to 40 | Marines |
Bucknall, Frederick Estcourt | 38 | 8 | |
Buckton, Jack & Ted | 12 | 17 to 19 | Image - Schools Patriotic Fund |
Buddle, E. | 17 | 17 | |
Bulgarian Tomato Growers | 17 | 5, 10 | List of names |
Bungey, W. | 14 | 6 | Jetty Pavilion opening |
Burden (Chemist) | 4 | 30 | |
Burden (Chemist) | 15 | 33 | |
Burden, Dr. | 4 | 22 | |
Burden, Dr. | 5 | 13 to 14 | |
Burden, Dr. | 11 | 12 | |
Burford, Florence | 39 | 53 to 55 | |
Burnell, A.R. | 34 | 67 to 77 | Image - G.M. Co-op Building Society |
Burnleigh Flats | 34 | 67 | |
Burrett, James & Ralph | 32 | 13 to 21 | Image - |
Burton, Ray (Milkman) | 38 | 25 | |
Bus | 44 | 59 | |
Bus | 44 | 59 | |
Bus | 44 | 59 | Glenelg to Port Adelaide, 1950s |
Bush Fire Relief | 10 | 5 | |
Butler, Captain Harry (Aviator) | 4 | 16 | |
Butler, Captain Harry (Aviator) | 10 | 11 to 14 | Image - Photo of flight souvenir |
Butler, Captain Harry (Aviator) | 19 | 55 | |
Butler, Captain Harry (Aviator) | 42 | 7 to 10 | Image - Life story |
Butler, Mark, Hon | 45 | 13 | image |
Butterfield, Merv | 9 | 33 | Surf Life Saving |
Button, Bob | 40 | 33 | Advertisements |
Cable Station | 3 | 11 | |
Cable Station | 10 | 32 | |
Cable Station | 23 | 37 to 39 | Grange Link in the Empire Cable Station |
Cahalan, Dr. Peter | 7 | 5 to 10 | Speaker - Launch of Sand & Swamp |
Cahill, John | 37 | 61 | Jack's Chicken Shop |
Caldwell, Joyce (Skuse) & Don | 19 | 5 | |
Captain Charles Sturt | 45 | 48 | |
Captain's White Bird Collection | 44 | 10 | Image |
Captain's White Bird Collection | 44 | 10 | Image |
Captain's White Bird Collection | 44 | 10 | Image - Speaker - Gardner, Jorji |
Caravan Park | 44 | 61 | Image |
Caravan Park | 44 | 61 | Image |
Caravan Park | 44 | 61 | Image - Stanhope Street and Surf Avenue |
Carlier, Evelyn (autobiography) | 37 | 31 to 40 | |
Carlier, Frederick Gladstone | 35 | 56 to 65 | Artist |
Carlier, Frederick Gladstone | 36 | 65 to 79 | Image - Artist |
Carmichael, Lyn | 34 | 37 to 38 | Image - |
Carnival | 39 | Cover, 15 to 16 | Image - Sale of badges |
Carnivals | 3 | 9, 38 to 39 | |
Carnivals | 4 | 11, 15 to 16 | |
Carnivals | 5 | 22 | |
Carnivals | 7 | 28, 30 | |
Carnivals | 8 | Cover | Image - Decorated vehicle procession |
Carnivals | 10 | 6 to 7 | |
Carnivals | 40 | 46, 73 | |
Carnivals 1904 | 1 | 11 | |
Carnivals 1904 | 6 | 31 to 32 | |
Carnivals 1915 | 16 | 8 | |
Carnivals 1917 | 8 | After 28 | Image - Regatta Programme Cover |
Carnivals 1927 | 8 | After 28 | Image - Regatta Programme Cover |
Carnivals 1928 | 7 | 36 | |
Carnivals 1934 | 5 | 30 to 31 | |
Carnivals 1935 | 6 | 6 to 7 | |
Carnivals 1936 | 7 | 15 to 16 | |
Carnivals 1937 | 8 | 5 to 6 | |
Carnivals 1938 | 9 | 22 | |
Carnivals 1940 | 11 | 11 to 12 | Image - Advertisements |
Carnivals 1945 | 16 | 46 | |
Carnivals 1945 | 19 | 33 | Chook Fielder reminiscences |
Carnivals 1945 | 19 | 41 | 16829 |
Carnivals 1945 | 29 | 13 | |
Carnivals 1945 | 32 | 22 | |
Carriages & Carts | 42 | 19 to 22 | Image - Speaker - Peter Foster |
Cars - See Motor Vehicles | |||
Cashmore, Jennifer | 16 | 28 | Speaker - Women's suffrage |
Cassidy Family | 40 | 69 to 78 | |
Cassidy, Jim (Flight Lieutenant) | 19 | 41 | |
Cassidy, Jim (Flight Lieutenant) | 30 | 41 to 42 | Image - |
Cassidy, Ron | 19 | 54 | Steeplechase & hounds article |
Cassidy, Ron | 30 | 41 to 42 | Image - |
Cassidy, Ron | 34 | 5 to 7 | Obituary |
Cassidy, Thomas Francis | 27 | 11 to 18 | Image - |
Cassidy, Thomas Francis | 40 | 69 to 72 | Owner of General Store |
Cassidy, Tom | 4 | 15 | Sideshowman |
Cassidy, Tom | 5 | 11, 22 | Sideshowman |
Cassidy, Tom | 27 | 17 | Sideshowman |
Casson, Marjorie | 1 | 14 | Historian |
Cates, Peter (Mayor) | 1 | 2 | |
Cates, Peter (Mayor) | 7 | 30 | |
Catholic Church | 11 | 32 | |
Catholic Church | 13 | 26 to 28 | |
Catholic Church | 23 | 30 | Image - Book review - History of Henley's Catholic Community |
Catholic Church | 28 | 34, 35 | Image - |
Catholic Tennis Club - See Henley Beach Catholic Tennis | |||
Caust, Charles Arnold | 27 | 5, 6 | Image - Drowning |
Cavalry Camp | 13 | 28 | |
Cawte's Pharmacy | 40 | 64 | |
Cawthorne Family (music stores) | 37 | 48 | |
Cawthorne, William | 45 | 7 | |
Chambers Street | 43 | 44 to 45 | Image - Tree planting |
Chambers, Cyril (Mayor) | 4 | 12, 20 to 21 | |
Chambers, Cyril (Mayor) | 5 | 28, 30, 32 | |
Chambers, Cyril (Mayor) | 6 | 7 | |
Chambers, Cyril (Mayor) | 7 | 29, 31 | |
Chambers, Cyril (Mayor) | 13 | 26 | |
Chambers, Cyril (Mayor) | 28 | 27 to 29 | |
Chant, Colin | 7 | 4 | |
Chant, Colin | 26 | 21 | |
Charles Sturt Trust | 24 | 4 | See also Sturt House |
Charles Sturt Trust - See also Sturt House | |||
Cheer - Up Hut | 43 | 3, 35 to 38 | |
Chenowith, Morrie | 38 | 28 | Delicatessen |
Chester Street (homes) | 40 | 71 | |
Chifley, Ben | 14 | 15 | |
Chilman, Constable (Arthur) George | 40 | 66 | |
Chinese Teapot | 35 | 13 | Image - |
Chinner, Norman | 14 | 15 | |
Chinnick | 3 | 36 | Horseshoe in tree |
Chisholm, Frank | 10 | 4 | Speaker - St. Vincent de Paul Society |
Chmielewski, Richard | 40 | 31 to 36 | |
Christmas Tree Festival | 23 | 22 | 28466 |
Chronicle (Sand & Swamp) | 7 | 5 to 10 | |
Chronicle (Sand & Swamp) | 10 | 40 to 41 | |
Church of Christ - See Henley Beach Church of Christ | |||
Ciccarello, J. | 13 | 27 | Benefactor, Catholic Church |
Circus | 4 | 15 | |
City of Adelaide (Clipper Ship) | 8 | 14 to 16 | Image - |
City of Adelaide (Clipper Ship) | 17 | 37 | |
City of Adelaide (Clipper Ship) | 35 | 5 to 7 | Image - Speaker - Peter Christopher |
City of Adelaide (Clipper Ship) | 36 | 22 | |
City of Adelaide (Clipper Ship) | 39 | 8 | Image - |
City of Adelaide (Clipper Ship) | 43 | 10 to 11 | Image - Speaker - Robert Davis |
Clarke, J. | 15 | 9 | Yachtsman, award for rescue |
Clode, Frank.S (shopowner) | 45 | 65 | |
Clode, Malcolm | 6 | 38 to 39 | |
Clode, Malcolm | 19 | 38 to 40 | Also Faye Clode |
Clode, Malcolm | 20 | 28 | Also Frank Clode |
Clode, Malcolm | 23 | 29 | Malcolm & Faye |
Clode, Malcolm | 33 | 62 to 65 | Image - |
Clode, Malcolm, Mr (teacher Grange P.S.) | 45 | 44 | |
Clubs - Or see under Club name | 15 | 7 to 12 | See also Lifesaving, Football, etc. |
Cluse Family | 5 | 7 | |
Cluse Family | 11 | 9 to 10 | |
Cluse Family | 14 | 10 | |
Coast, Impacts | 45 | 8 | Image - |
Coat of Arms | 6 | 20 to 24 | Image - |
Coat of Arms | 18 | 13 | |
Coat of Arms | 22 | 4 | Description |
Cobb & Co. Stables | 29 | 11 | |
Cock, John (Lieutenant) | 14 | 12 | Fighter Pilot |
Collecting Memories | 43 | 9 | Historical Records Project |
Collins, Julie. Dr (speaker) | 45 | 11 | image |
Computers | 34 | 17 | Storage devices |
Concrete Road | 3 | 20 | |
Congregational Church | 8 | 11 to 12, 20 | |
Congregational Church | 12 | 5, 6 | Image - Design 1914 |
Congregational Church | 14 | 15, 27, 28 | |
Congregational Church | 15 | 21 to 22 | |
Congregational Church | 16 | 16 | |
Congregational Church | 42 | 44, 47 to 48 | Image - See also - Henley Beach & Fulham Uniting Church |
Congregational Church | 41 | 58 to 62 | |
Constitution | 1 | 4 | Henley & Grange Historical Society |
Cook, Sally | 42 | 67 to 71 | Image - Reminiscences |
Copley Family | 37 | 48 | Miss Copley Private Hospital |
Copper Botten | 27 | 18 | Shop |
Coral Sea Battle | 13 | 9 to 10 | |
Cornelius, Father | 6 | 21 to 22 | |
Corporation of Henley & Grange | 2 | 26 to 29 | |
Corporation of Henley & Grange | 12 | 9 | |
Corporation of Henley & Grange | 16 | 36 to 38 | |
Corporation of Henley & Grange | 22 | 6 | |
Corporation of Henley & Grange | 43 | 50 to 55 | Image - Councillors, involvement in Henley Town Hall |
Corrigenda | 14 | 41 | |
Corroborees on Henley Beach | 20 | 46 | |
Couch (Keen), Glenda | 45 | 60=61 | image |
Council Boundaries | 11 | 37 | |
Councillors | 2 | 26 | 1915 |
Courtney, Christine (nee Hanks) | 28 | 1 | |
Covid 19 | 41 | 1, 70 | |
Cowell & Cowell Architects | 35 | 37 to 42 | Image - |
Cox, Esther | 24 | 32 | Jarrah Cottage |
Cricket - See Henley & Grange Cricket Club | |||
Cricket - See Hindmarsh & West Torrens Cricket Club | |||
Crispe, Adrian | 2 | 9 | Hockey |
Crispe, John | 14 | 11 | |
Crispe, John | 15 | 43 | Swimming, Lifesaving |
Crispe, John | 34 | 50 to 51 | Sea Rescue |
Croker, Herbert | 11 | 41 | Model of camp, model cannon - Sturt House |
Cudmore Terrace | 3 | 20 | |
Culley, P.W.E. (Architect) | 34 | 67 to 77 | Image - |
Cunningham, Dora | 44 | 20 | |
Cunningham, Dora | 44 | 22 | Image |
Cunningham, Dora | 44 | 20 | |
Cunningham, Dora | 44 | 22 | Image |
Cunningham, Dora | 44 | 20 | Teacher Grange Private School |
Cunningham, Dora | 44 | 22 | Image - Librarian Grange Institute |
Cunningham, Emma | 31 | 12 | |
Cunningham, Mrs | 6 | 27 | Librarian Grange Institute |
Curtiss Flying Boat (Grange) | 40 | 70 | Landed at Grange |
CWA - See also Henley Beach CWA | |||
CWA Cottages | 3 | 12 | |
CWA Cottages | 23 | 4 to 9 | Image - Also map |
CWA Henley Beach | 23 | 7 | |
Cycling Trips | 13 | 20 | |
Cycling Trips | 14 | 37 | |
Cycling Trips | 16 | 42 to 43 | |
Dalziel, L. | 2 | 17 | Historian |
Darsow, Martin | 19 | 15 to 17 | Shop |
Darsow, Martin | 21 | 13 to 14 | Famly history |
Darsow, Martin | 23 | 29 | Self Serve Grocery Shop |
Davenport, George | 26 | 29 to 34 | Image - Connection with Charles Sturt |
David Wilson | 43 | 16 to 17 | Image - Speaker - European settlement of Kangaroo Island |
Davis Family | 1 | 9 to 10 | |
Davis Family | 3 | 29 to 31, 37 | |
Davis Family | 6 | 16 | |
Davis Family | 8 | 29 to 30 | |
Davis Family | 38 | 11 | |
Davoli Family | 44 | 62 to 63 | |
Davoli Family | 44 | 62 to 63 | |
Davoli Family | 44 | 62 to 63 | West Beach Market Gardeners |
Day of Prayer | 11 | 16 | |
De Crespigny, Dr. | 39 | 44 to 46 | Owners of "The Beach House" |
De Crespigny, Mrs (later Symes) | 39 | 44 to 49 | Beach house in Tennyson |
Del Monte | 21 | 7 to 10 | Image - |
Del Monte | 29 | 13 | |
Del Monte | 41 | 31 to 32 | Image - Guesthouse |
Denis, Brian | 39 | 17, 27 to 29 | Speaker (changes in society through cricket club) |
Depression | 1 | 13 | |
Depression | 7 | 22 | |
Depression | 9 | 38 | |
Depression | 11 | 5 | |
Depression | 27 | 15, 16 | Grocery Shop |
Depression | 32 | 54 | |
Dineen, D.F. | 5 | 31 | |
Dineen, D.F. | 6 | 38 | |
Dineen, D.F. | 9 | 31 | Lifesaving |
Dineen, D.F. | 33 | 63 | |
Dix, L.F. | 24 | 4 | Progress Association Founding Secretary |
Doenau | 27 | 18 | Shop |
Domestic Animals | 24 | 25 | Council Minutes 1903 |
Donald, Joan | 11 | 20, 41 | Speaker - Sturt & Sturt House |
Donald, Joan | 13 | 38 | Speaker - Sturt House Renovations |
Douglas Family - James, Wallace (Wally), Jim | 41 | 62 to 64, 69 | Family history of Jim Douglas |
Dring Family (Arthur & William) | 28 | 50 | Nautilus |
Drive In Picture Theatre | 21 | 31 | Blue Line West Beach |
Drive In Picture Theatre | 38 | 27 to 28 | Blue Line West Beach |
Drowning Tragedy | 8 | 24 to 26 | |
Drowning Tragedy | 22 | 21 | Girl on railway bridge |
Drowning Tragedy | 27 | 4 to 6 | Charles Arnold Caust |
Duguid, Dr. Charles | 37 | 47 to 48 | Ernabella Mission |
Duigan, Michael | 3 | 4 | Speaker - Western Region Heritage |
Duncan, Sir Walter | 37 | 47 | |
Dunning, Edna | 4 | 30 to 33 | |
Dunning, Edna | 5 | 42 to 44 | |
Dunning, Edna | 6 | 43 to 46 | |
Dunning, Edna | 8 | 12 to 13, 34 to 36 | |
Dunning, Edna | 11 | 27 | |
Dunning, Edna | 15 | 32 to 33 | |
Dunning, Edna | 16 | 29 | Reminiscences |
Dunning, Edna | 19 | 18, 19 | |
Dunning, Edna | 19 | 30 | A day at St. Kilda Museum |
Dunning, Edna | 20 | 49, 50 | Adelaide Airport |
Dunning, Edna | 38 | 28 | |
Dunning, Instructor | 4 | 33 | Trams |
Dunning, Instructor | 19 | 30 | Trams |
Dunstan, Don (S.A. Premier) | 36 | 60 | Opening of Delfin Island |
Duryea, Townsend | 36 | 32 to 33 | Father of S.A. Photography |
Eastern Cable Company | 2 | 9 | |
Eclipse (Steam Yacht) | 1 | 10 | Samuel White's Steam Yacht |
Edmonds, Roger | 40 | 20 to 21 | Speaker - App Development |
Edmonds, Roger | 44 | 9 | Image |
Edmonds, Roger | 44 | 9 | Image |
Edmonds, Roger | 44 | 9 | Image - Speaker - Website Launch |
Edquist, Mr. (Minister of Agriculture) | 5 | 13 to 14 | |
Edwards, Bronte (Mayor) | 1 | 2 | |
Edwards, Bronte (Mayor) | 7 | 30, 33 | |
Edwards, Bronte (Mayor) | 15 | 41 | |
Edwards, Bronte (Mayor) | 21 | 34 | Litter |
Edwards, Bronte (Mayor) | 38 | 22 to 24 | Family history |
Edwards, Bronte (Mayor) | 39 | 4 | Image - Photo |
Edwards, Mrs (teacher Grange P.S.) | 45 | 43 | |
Eldridge, Cliff (Nobby) & Les | 19 | 6 | |
Ellenbroek, Theo | 34 | 36 to 37 | Image - |
Elliott Family | 14 | 34 to 36 | Colin, Poultry Farm, Reminiscences |
Elliott Family | 19 | 13 | |
Ellis, John Henry | 35 | 56 to 65 | Image - |
Enfield Tour | 15 | 39 | |
Engelhart | 14 | 17 to 18 | |
Esplanade, Grange | 3 | 13 to 14 | |
Estcourt House | 4 | 9 to 10 | |
Estcourt House | 12 | 7 | |
Estcourt House | 17 | 21, 22 | Image - |
Estcourt House | 28 | 9 | |
Excell, W. | 4 | 18 | |
Excell, W. | 5 | 10 to 11 | |
Excell, W. | 20 | 10 | Accommodation for police |
Excell, W. | 28 | 19, 20 | |
Excell, W. | 38 | 26 | |
Fabian, Thomas | 41 | 57 to 64 | Image - |
Farming | 11 | 8 | |
Farndell's Circulating Library | 44 | 37 | |
Farndell's Circulating Library | 44 | 37 | |
Farndell's Circulating Library | 44 | 37 | |
Farran, Ray | 15 | 41 | Arts Society |
Fatchen, Max | 14 | 42 | |
Fatchen, Max | 18 | 11 | |
Ferguson, Don | 10 | 4 | Speaker - Henley Beach Electorate |
Ferguson, Don | 34 | 8 to 9 | Obituary |
Ferguson, Don | 35 | 8 to 10 | Image - Memorial Reserve |
Ferguson, Joan | 14 | 42 | Gardens |
Ferguson, Joan | 27 | 21, 22 | Childhood garden |
Ferguson, Joan | 36 | 6 to 8 | Obituary |
Festival of the Coast | 22 | 9 to 13 | Programme of festivities, Centenary of Federation |
Festival of the Coast | 22 | 34 to 36 | Henley Scribblers, school children |
Fewings | 4 | 11 | Grange Bowling Club |
Fielder Family | 10 | 18 to 20 | |
Fielder Family | 4 | 14 | |
Fielder Family | 18 | 27 | |
Fielder Family | 19 | 27 | John Edward |
Fielder Family | 19 | 29 | |
Fielder Family | 19 | 32 | Reminiscences |
Fielder Family | 20 | 36 | Doug, floodwaters |
Fielder Family | 24 | 24 | R. Fielder, bathing houses |
Fielder Family | 37 | 47 | Home |
Fielder, Charles (Chook) | 7 | 19 to 20 | |
Fielder, Charles (Chook) | 9 | 32 to 33 | |
Fielder, Charles (Chook) | 10 | 6 | |
Fielder, Charles (Chook) | 29 | 7 to 8 | Image - Obituary |
Fielder, Charles Senior | 10 | 19 | Image - |
Fielder, Charles Senior | 14 | 42 | |
Fielder, Ernie | 3 | 9 | |
Fielder, John | 15 | 7 | |
Fielder, Seymour | 17 | 16, 17 | |
Fire Brigade | 5 | 35 | |
Fischer, Nancy | 11 | 34 to 35 | Nancy Fischer Reserve |
Fisher | 6 | 12 | Brig House |
Fisher | 20 | 51 | |
Fisher | 20 | 52 | Fisher's Bridge |
Fisher | 22 | 21 | Fisher's Bridge |
Fisher, Bill | 19 | 50 | Grange Primary School, head teacher 1927 |
Fisher's Bridge - Grange | 25 | 4 | |
Fisher's Bridge - Grange | 34 | 59 | Image - |
Fishing | 10 | 29, 32 | |
Fishing | 19 | 5 | |
Fishing | 19 | 29 | Bruce Harris |
Fishing | 19 | 34 | Chook Fielder reminiscences |
Fishing | 19 | 40 | M. Clode, Henley Jetty |
Fishing | 20 | 52 | Crabs |
Fishing | 22 | 22 | Grange Jetty, Estcourt House |
Fishing | 23 | 20 | Sugar refinery fire |
Fitch, H.G. | 34 | 14 | |
Fitch, H.G. | 35 | 36 to 42 | Image - |
Fitch, H.G. | 37 | 48 | Misses Fitch |
Fitzpatrick, Jim | 31 | 29 to 34 | Family history |
Fitzpatrick, Jim | 37 | 12 to 13 | Peru Visit |
Fitzpatrick, Jim & Christine | 38 | 42 to 47 | Christine's family |
Fitzpatrick, Thomas William | 35 | 11 to 12 | Image - Battle of Mons |
Fitzpatrick, Thomas William | 36 | 14 to 15 | Speaker - Battle of Mons |
Fleetwood, Glyn | 27 | 17 | Shop |
Floods | 1 | 9 | |
Floods | 3 | After 26 | Image - On Henley Beach Road pre-Outlet |
Floods | 3 | 41 to 42 | |
Floods | 4 | 6 to 7, 17, 33 | |
Floods | 4 | 18 | Oxer Family |
Floods | 5 | 21 | |
Floods | 6 | 11 | |
Floods | 8 | 10, 17 to 18 | |
Floods | 9 | 35 | |
Floods | 10 | 30 to 32 | |
Floods, 1887 | 16 | 21 to 22 | |
Floods, 1889 | 6 | 15 to 17 | |
Floods, 1909 | 15 | 24 to 31 | |
Floods, 1917 | 16 | 33 to 35 | |
Floods, 1924 | 1 | 12 | |
Floods, 1928 | 9 | 41 | |
Floods, 1937 | 8 | 8 | |
Floods, 1938 | 9 | 25, 27 | |
Floods, 1938 | 18 | 16 to 23 | Including cartoons |
Floods, 1938 | 19 | 5, 6, 34 | Flood Plain |
Floods, 1938 | 20 | 51 | Grange |
Floods, 1938 | 23 | 13 to 18 | Control of flooding 1925 |
Floods, 1938 | 28 | 27 to 31 | Torrens flooding |
Flora, Henley & Grange | 15 | 6 | Sandhills |
Flora, Henley & Grange | 18 | 45 to 47 | Field Naturalists |
Flora, Henley & Grange | 19 | 29 | |
Flora, Henley & Grange | 22 | 14, 16, 17, 19 | Coast Environment |
Floral Carpet | 9 | 26 | Image - Design by Gwyneth Norton |
Floral Float - See Taj Mahal | |||
Flower Day | 7 | After 18 | Image - Entries 1936 & 1938 |
Flower Day | 9 | 26 | |
Football | 9 | 12 | |
Football | 15 | Cover | Image - Henley Beach Football Team 1907 |
Forder, Charles | 17 | 18 | |
Foreshore | 5 | 33 | |
Foreshore | 8 | 20 | |
Foreshore | 12 | 14 | |
Fort Glanville | 17 | 27 | |
Fort Street | 3 | 11 | |
Fortune Telling, Madam Zambra | 20 | 30 | |
Forwood Family | 36 | 21 to 31 | Image - Walter Weech, Frederick, Amy, Edgar, Reginald |
Forwood Family | 37 | 47 | |
Forwood, Amy | 9 | 33 to 34 | Benefactress |
Forwood, Amy | 11 | 13 | Benefactress |
Fowler, G.S. & Mrs | 14 | 8 to 9 | |
Fowles, Jim | 10 | 24 to 28 | A Minor Bicentennial Event |
Fowles, Pauline | 7 | 11 to 12 | Historical Exhibition |
France (Ralph's visit) | 16 | 29 | |
From Saltbush to Turf | 41 | 22 | Book published on Grange Cricket Club History |
Fry | 19 | 18, 22 | Barry, Don & Arthur |
Fry | 34 | 34 to 35 | Image - Barry |
Fry, Barry | 39 | 33 to 35, 64 to 75 | |
Fry, Barry | 39 | 33 to 35 | Image - Obituary |
Fry, Barry | 39 | 64 to 75 | Memories |
Fry's Butcher Shop | 39 | 65 to 73 | Image - |
Fugi Yama | 44 | 51 to 56 | |
Fugi Yama | 44 | 51 to 56 | |
Fugi Yama | 44 | 51 to 56 | House |
Fuji Yama | 17 | 46 | Dr. Hynes House |
Fulham | 38 | 10 to 12 | Early settlement |
Fulham Church (Chapel) | 3 | 32 | |
Fulham Church (Chapel) | 28 | 36 to 40 | Image - |
Fulham Church (Chapel) | 38 | 11 | Image - |
Fulham Gardens Primary School | 29 | 18 | |
Fulham Gardens Primary School | 44 | 48 | Image |
Fulham Gardens Primary School | 44 | 48 | Image |
Fulham Gardens Primary School | 44 | 48 | Image - 60th Anniversary |
Fulham North Primary School | 29 | 18 | |
Fulham School | 3 | 32 | |
Fulham School | 10 | 41 | |
Fulham School | 38 | 12 | Image - |
Fulham School | 39 | 60 to 63 | |
Fulwood, R. | 14 | 11 to 12 | Swimmer |
Furlong, J. & E. | 13 | 39 | Speaker - Adelaide Nostalgia |
Gaetjens, Hermann (Mayor) | 7 | 28 | |
Gaetjens, Hermann (Mayor) | 14 | 10 | |
Gaetjens, Hermann (Mayor) | 23 | 13 to 18 | Breakout Creek proposal |
Gaetjens, Hermann (Mayor) | 28 | 29 | |
Gala Day (Grange) | 16 | 47 | |
Galligan's Deli | 3 | 15 | |
Galloway, Denise | 15 | 40 | Speaker - Vietnam |
Galway, Lady Convalescent Home | 4 | 32 | |
Galway, Lady Convalescent Home | 6 | 32 | |
Galway, Lady Convalescent Home | 10 | 10 | |
Galway, Lady Convalescent Home | 16 | 33 | |
Galway, Lady Convalescent Home | 19 | 55 | Club House |
Galway, Lady Convalescent Home | 32 | 22 to 28 | Image - |
Galway, Lady Convalescent Home | 33 | 4 to 5 | Image - |
Galway, Lady Convalescent Home | 37 | 48 | |
Galway, Lady Convalescent Home | 43 | 24 | |
Galway, Sir Henry | 32 | 22 | |
Gamlin, Jack | 12 | 34 | Speaker - Yachting |
Gamlin, Jack | 20 | 31 | History West Beach Surf Lifesaving Club |
Gamlin, Jack | 25 | 14 to 19 | |
Garage (Henley) - See Hicks Family | |||
Garden Competition (schools) | 5 | After 19, 41 | Image - Grange School 1940 |
Gardens | 14 | 38 to 39 | |
Gardens | 16 | 21 | |
Gardens | 17 | 31 | Garden project |
Gardens | 27 | 19 to 23 | Childhood gardens |
Gardens | 31 | 48 to 50 | |
Garland, Hugh | 36 | 18 to 20 | Image - Speaker - WWI serviceman & poet |
Gehlert (Kiosk) | 4 | 19, 22 | Kiosk |
Gehlert (Kiosk) | 5 | 10 | Kiosk |
Gehlert Family (Kiosk proprietors) | 38 | 53 to 57 | Also spelt as Gellert |
Gellert (See Gehlert, Kiosk) - often misspelt | |||
Genealogy Society | 13 | 39 to 40 | |
Germein, Marjorie | 13 | 39 to 40 | Speaker - S.A. Genealogy & Heraldry Society |
Gertrude (trawler) | 6 | 6 | |
Gilbert, Dr. Henry | 24 | 32 | Jarrah Cottage |
Gilbert, Ralph | 39 | 44 to 49 | |
Gill, Russell (Postmaster) | 9 | 5 to 8 | Image - Speaker - Henley Beach Post Office |
Gillespie, Captain | 15 | 34 to 36 | Speaker - Well known ships |
Glanville Sugar Refinery | 23 | 19 | Fire 1926 |
Glasshouses | 3 | 20 | |
Glasshouses | 13 | 23 | |
Glasshouses | 17 | 5 | Bulgarian tomato growers |
Glastonbury, then Doenau | 27 | 18 | Shop |
Glen's Cake Shop | 22 | 37 | Glen Fry |
Glen's Cake Shop | 39 | 71 | |
Glenelg Sailing Club | 1 | 11 | |
Glenelg Sailing Club | 14 | 22 | |
Glenn, John (teacher Henley Beach P.S.) | 45 | 62 | |
Glenn, John G | 44 | 44 | |
Glenn, John G | 44 | 44 | |
Glenn, John G | 44 | 44 | Teacher and author |
Gluyas, Hilda & Cliff | 20 | 42 | Tennis |
Golf | 10 | 31 | |
Golf | 19 | 34 | Miniature golf courses |
Golf | 20 | 5 | J.C. Stobie |
Golf Club, Henley Beach | 17 | 14 | 1929-1942 |
Golf Club, Henley Beach | 20 | 5 | J.C. Stobie |
Golf, Midget | 4 | 15 | |
Gollywog Bachelors Club | 9 | 14 to 15 | Image - Club Badge |
Gollywog Bachelors Club | 10 | 37 | |
Goodman, Sir William | 4 | 33 | |
Goodman, Sir William | 15 | 24 to 31 | |
Goodwin, Rex (Secretary, later chair G.P.S. Committee | 45 | 42 | |
Gowing, Dorrie | 44 | 22 | |
Gowing, Dorrie | 44 | 22 | |
Gowing, Dorrie | 44 | 22 | Librarian Grange Institute |
Grange Baptist Church | 14 | 7 to 10 | Image - Sketch of Church |
Grange Baptist Church | 16 | 16, 19 to 21 | |
Grange Baptist Church | 24 | 25 | Sand |
Grange Baptist Church | 42 | 23, 26 to 27 | Image - Site of Grange School & celebration |
Grange Baptist Church | 42 | 58 | Image - Honour roll |
Grange Beauty Salon | 40 | 62 | Image - Doreen O'Dea, Halligans |
Grange Bowling Club | 4 | 11 to 12 | |
Grange Bowling Club | 26 | 20 to 23 | Image - |
Grange Boys & Girls Club -cf. Beachcroft, Moody Dr. | 15 | 7 to 12 | Image - Grange Christian Centre, Sketch of Club Badge |
Grange Community Kindergarten (later Elizabeth O'Grady) | 45 | 39 | |
Grange Cricket Club | 2 | After 6 | Image - Cricket match |
Grange Cricket Club | 11 | 30 | |
Grange Cricket Club | 16 | 17 to 19 | |
Grange Cricket Club | 19 | 22 | |
Grange Cricket Club | 20 | 39 | A. Harvey |
Grange Cricket Club | 41 | 17 to 23 | Image - Grange Cricket Club history |
Grange Evening Recreation Society | 44 | 20 | |
Grange Evening Recreation Society | 44 | 20 | |
Grange Evening Recreation Society | 44 | 20 | 1901 |
Grange Golf Club | 40 | 54 to 61 | |
Grange Hockey Club | 1 | 15 | |
Grange Hockey Club | 2 | 8 to 12 | |
Grange Hockey Club | 5 | 23 to 25 | |
Grange Hockey Club | 8 | 8 | |
Grange Hockey Club | 10 | 9 | |
Grange Hockey Club | 12 | 20, 22 | |
Grange Hockey Club | 18 | 32, 39 | Mittons |
Grange Hockey Club | 23 | 11 | Mitton Story |
Grange Hockey Club | 23 | 29 | |
Grange Hockey Club | 24 | 13 to 16 | Image - Bowden Family |
Grange Hockey Club | 29 | 5 | |
Grange Hockey Club | 33 | 41 to 43 | |
Grange Hotel | 11 | 31 | |
Grange Hotel | 20 | 9 | Police |
Grange Hotel | 22 | 22 | |
Grange Hotel | 23 | 23 | |
Grange Hotel | 28 | 48 | |
Grange Hotel | 31 | 10 to 13 | Image - |
Grange Institute | 2 | 20 to 25 | |
Grange Institute | 6 | 25 to 28 | |
Grange Institute | 11 | 21, 31 | |
Grange Institute | 14 | 36 | |
Grange Institute | 20 | 17 to 19 | |
Grange Institute | 22 | 6 | |
Grange Institute | 27 | 7 | |
Grange Institute | 29 | 50 | |
Grange Institute | 33 | 45, 49, 51 | |
Grange Institute | 35 | 24 to 32 | Image - |
Grange Institute | 43 | 7 to 8 | Image - Speakers - Roger Andre & Mark Doherty |
Grange Institute | 44 | 19 to 23 | Image |
Grange Institute | 44 | 19 to 23 | Image |
Grange Institute | 44 | 19 to 23 | Image - |
Grange Lakes | 21 | 17 | Image - Development of |
Grange Land & Investment Company | 20 | 38, 39 | Grange Proprietors |
Grange Land & Investment Company | 23 | 23 | St. Agnes Church |
Grange Methodist Church | 6 | 13 | |
Grange Methodist Church | 9 | 36 to 38 | |
Grange Methodist Church | 11 | 31 | |
Grange Methodist Church | 12 | 25 | |
Grange Methodist Church | 14 | 36 | |
Grange Methodist Church | 29 | 50 | |
Grange Methodist Church | 35 | 56 to 59 | Image - |
Grange Methodist Church | 37 | 33 to 35 | |
Grange Methodist Church | 42 | 57 | Image - Rolls of honour & plaques |
Grange Post Office | 9 | 8 to 10 | Image - |
Grange Post Office | 22 | 6 | |
Grange Post Office | 33 | 45, 50 | |
Grange Post Office | 40 | 63 | |
Grange Pound | 20 | 45 | Charges |
Grange Primary School (1930s) | 45 | 23-24 | image |
Grange Primary School (1950-56) | 45 | 41 | |
Grange Provisional School | 29 | 17 | |
Grange Railway | 21 | 23 to 28 | Image - see also Grange Railway & Investment Company |
Grange Railway & Investment Company | 20 | 39 | |
Grange Railway & Investment Company | 21 | 23 | |
Grange Railway & Investment Company | 33 | 46 | |
Grange Railway & Investment Company | 37 | 55 | |
Grange Recreation Grounds | 2 | 9 | |
Grange Recreation Grounds | 3 | 11 to 12 | |
Grange Recreation Grounds | 4 | 7 to 9 | |
Grange Recreation Grounds | 5 | 24, 32, 34 | |
Grange Recreation Grounds | 15 | 28 | |
Grange Red Cross | 20 | 45 | |
Grange Regatta | 29 | 44 to 45 | Image - |
Grange Road | 3 | 16 | |
Grange Sailing Club | 29 | 44, 45 | Image - |
Grange School | 1 | After 11 | Image - 1880's |
Grange School | 4 | 7 | |
Grange School | 9 | 18 to 19 | |
Grange School | 11 | 13, 30, 32 | |
Grange School | 14 | 36 | |
Grange School | 16 | 19 to 20, 41 | Image - Photo on cover, 1880's |
Grange School | 18 | 30, 31, 39 | |
Grange School | 19 | 10, 39, 50 | |
Grange School | 28 | 42 | |
Grange School | 29 | 17 | |
Grange School | 31 | 35 to 37 | |
Grange School | 31 | 40, 41 | Air raid shelters |
Grange School | 37 | 37 to 38 | |
Grange School | 42 | 24 | Image - 140 years, plans & map |
Grange School | 42 | 30 to 34 | Image - Saving the old Grange Primary School |
Grange School | 42 | 30, 56 | Memorial plaque, hall |
Grange School | 41 | 42 | Image - Honour roll |
Grange Scout Group | 25 | 4 to 5 | Image - |
Grange Scout Group | 30 | 24 to 29 | |
Grange Sea Scouts | 15 | 7 | |
Grange Service Station | 34 | 12 | |
Grange Subdivision | 20 | 18 | |
Grange Surf Life Saving Club | 24 | 4 | Funds |
Grange Surf Life Saving Club | 38 | 32 to 36 | Image - |
Grange Uniting Church | 29 | 50, 51 | Image - |
Grange Walk | 11 | 30 to 33 | Image - Map |
Grange Walk | 16 | 39 to 40 | Image - Map |
Grange, development of | 18 | 43 to 44 | |
Grange, development of | 20 | 38 | |
Grange, past days | 34 | 59 to 60 | Memories of Vic Steeles |
Gray Family | 38 | 11 | |
Gray, Alfred | 17 | 16, 27 | |
Gray, Alfred | 18 | 17 | F.J. Gray |
Gray, Bruce (Saltbush Bill) | 3 | 22 | |
Gray, Bruce (Saltbush Bill) | 18 | 36 | |
Gray, Bruce (Saltbush Bill) | 41 | 77 | Aka Old Man Gray |
Gray, Franklin | 12 | 23 to 24 | |
Gray, W.H. | 44 | 57 | Image |
Gray, W.H. | 44 | 57 | Image |
Gray, W.H. | 44 | 57 | Image - |
Gray, William | 37 | 49 | |
Gray, William Henry | 1 | 3 | |
Gray, William Henry | 3 | 29, 34 | |
Gray, William Henry | 6 | 16 | |
Gray, William Henry | 10 | 34 to 36 | |
Gray, William Henry | 14 | 19 | |
Gray, William Henry | 20 | 34 to 36, 57 | |
Gray, William Henry | 21 | 30 | |
Gray, William Henry | 23 | 15 | |
Gray, William Henry | 25 | 11 to 13, 28 | |
Gray, William Henry | 40 | 27 to 28 | Image - |
Green, Mrs (teacher Grange P.S.) | 45 | 43 | |
Green, Peggy | 27 | 19 | Childhood garden |
Greening Henley & Grange Group | 20 | 10 to 12 | Image - |
Greig, Colin Alan Longbourne | 27 | 53 to 56 | Image - Soldier |
Griffin, Sister Cynthia | 40 | 11 to 13 | Image - Speaker - Star of the Sea School |
Griffiths, Alf | 9 | 11 to 12 | Football, hospital etc. |
Griffiths, Dr. Kevin | 9 | 12 | Cricket |
Griffiths, Hughie | 30 | 41 to 42 | Image - |
Griffiths, Max | 35 | 15 | Rescue attempt |
Griggs, S.P. | 2 | 27 | |
Griggs, S.P. | 5 | 11 | |
Griggs, S.P. | 14 | 5 to 6 | Beach Deck Chairs |
Griggs, S.P. | 19 | 33 to 34 | |
Groves, Private | 31 | 42 to 47 | Image - |
Gurner, George (Mayor) | 7 | 29 | |
Gurner, George (Mayor) | 19 | 49 | |
Guster Family | 44 | 45 | |
Guster Family | 44 | 45 | |
Guster Family | 44 | 45 | |
Guster, Keith | 45 | 58-59 | image |
Guster, Keith, Allan, Peter (brothers) | 41 | 37 to 44 | Image - "Pyramid Boys" gymnastics |
Gwynne, Mrs. E.C. | 23 | 4 | CWA Cottages land donation |
Gymnastics Club | 4 | 22 | |
Haigh Mansions | 20 | 26 to 27 | Image - |
Haigh Mansions | 44 | 7 | Image |
Haigh Mansions | 44 | 7 | Image |
Haigh Mansions | 44 | 7 | Image - Art Deco |
Hairdressing Salons (Grange) | 40 | 62 to 65 | |
Halfway House | 10 | 31 | |
Hamilton, Doug | 1 | 8 | Speaker - Local History |
Hammond, Mr. | 27 | 18 | Shop |
Hammond, Mr. | 37 | 69 | Image - |
Hanrahan, Helen | 5 | 4 | |
Hanrahan, Helen | 6 | 20 | |
Hanrahan, Helen | 19 | 46, 47 | |
Hardy, Mabel (Historian) | 11 | 36 | |
Harrington Family | 37 | 60 | Image - Home |
Harrington, Albert & Vera | 38 | 58 to 70 | |
Harrison, William (Mayor) | 7 | 28 | |
Harrison, William (Mayor) | 17 | 33, 42 | |
Harvey Family | 37 | 59 to 60 | |
Harvey, Arthur | 13 | 15 | |
Harvey, Arthur | 14 | 7 | |
Harvey, Arthur | 18 | 43 to 44 | |
Harvey, Arthur | 20 | 37 to 40 | |
Harvey, Arthur | 23 | 23 | |
Harvey, Arthur | 33 | 44 to 46 | |
Harvey, Arthur | 34 | 40 | |
Harvey, John | 11 | 21, 36 | |
Harvey, John | 29 | 56 to 60 | Image - |
Harvey, John | 32 | 31 | Image - |
Harvey, John | 34 | 32 to 33 | Image - |
Harvey, John | 35 | 28 | |
Harvey, John | 39 | 40 to 43 | Image - Obituary |
Harvey, Vernon (Mayor) & Dora | 5 | 32 | |
Harvey, Vernon (Mayor) & Dora | 6 | 28 | |
Harvey, Vernon (Mayor) & Dora | 7 | 29 | |
Harvey, Vernon (Mayor) & Dora | 14 | 15 | |
Harvey, Vernon (Mayor) & Dora | 20 | 40 | |
Harvey, Vernon (Mayor) & Dora | 27 | 7 to 10 | Image - |
Harvey, Vernon (Mayor) & Dora | 27 | 58 | |
Harvey, Vernon (Mayor) & Dora | 28 | 13 | |
Harvey, Vernon (Mayor) & Dora | 35 | 28 | Association with Grange Institute |
Hasenohr, Nell | 2 | 17 to 19 | Speaker - Witoinga, Swamp to City |
Hasenohr, Ted | 1 | 3 | W.H. Gray |
Hasenohr, Ted | 2 | 30 to 33 | Speaker - Captain White, explorer & traveller |
Hasenohr, Ted | 13 | 29 | |
Hasenohr, Ted | 20 | 56 to 57 | |
Hasenohr, Ted | 28 | 4 | |
Hasenorh, Edward (Ted) | 40 | 26 to 30 | Image - |
Haunting (Henley) | 40 | 66 to 68 | |
Hay, Fraser | 22 | 7 | |
Haynes, L.D. | 31 | 11 | |
Hazel-Bower | 34 | 24 to 25 | Image - |
Hedges, Patrick (Artist) | 15 | 12 | |
Hedges, Patrick (Artist) | 16 | 10, 24 | |
Hele, Cedrick | 33 | 62 to 66 | Image - |
Hemline Measuring Scale | 35 | 12 | |
Henderson, William (Mayor) | 7 | 30 | |
Henderson, William (Mayor) | 33 | 59 to 60 | Image - |
Henley - on - Thames | 41 | 53 to 56 | Image - Namesake of Henley Beach |
Henley & Grange Arts Society | 15 | 41 | |
Henley & Grange Arts Society | 22 | 6 to 9 | |
Henley & Grange Arts Society | 27 | 38 to 50 | |
Henley & Grange Arts Society | 36 | 46 to 51 | Image - History of |
Henley & Grange Community Hospital | 43 | 23 to 26 | Image - See also - Hospitals |
Henley & Grange Council - See Corporation of H & G | |||
Henley & Grange Cricket Club | 29 | 8 | |
Henley & Grange Herald | 12 | 5 to 9 | |
Henley & Grange Historical Society | 21 | 14 to 15 | Objectives - How are we doing? |
Henley & Grange Historical Society | 25 | 6 to 10 | 25 Years Ago - Where we began |
Henley & Grange Historical Society | 33 | 74 to 75 | Image - Jubilee 150 Procession participation |
Henley & Grange Historical Society | 38 | 11 | 2017 Exhibition |
Henley & Grange Historical Society | 41 | 14 to 16 | Image - 40th birthday celebration |
Henley & Grange Literary Society | 42 | 44 | |
Henley & Grange Meals on Wheels | 23 | 32 to 36 | |
Henley & Grange Meals on Wheels | 29 | 5 | George Willoughby |
Henley & Grange Returned Soldiers League (R.S.L.) | 43 | 35 | See also - R.S.L. |
Henley & Grange RSL - 100 yrs | 45 | 12 | |
Henley & Grange Swimming Club | 29 | 46 to 49 | Image - |
Henley & Grange Swimming Club | 34 | 37 to 38 | 100 years of H & G Swimming Club |
Henley & Grange Swimming Club | 40 | 34 to 36 | Image - |
Henley & Grange Swimming Club - See also Henley S. Pool | |||
Henley & Grange Swimming Club - See also Swimming | |||
Henley & Grange Town Hall | |||
Henley & Grange Trotting Trainer Association | 45 | 56 | |
Henley & Grange Trotting Trainers Assoc. | 23 | 11 | |
Henley and Grange Literacy Society | 44 | 36 | |
Henley and Grange Literacy Society | 44 | 36 | |
Henley and Grange Literacy Society | 44 | 36 | |
Henley and Grange Swimming Club | 44 | 70 | |
Henley and Grange Swimming Club | 44 | 70 | |
Henley and Grange Swimming Club | 44 | 70 | |
Henley and Grange Youth Club Book Exchange | 44 | 39 | |
Henley and Grange Youth Club Book Exchange | 44 | 39 | |
Henley and Grange Youth Club Book Exchange | 44 | 39 | |
Henley Beach | 20 | 28 to 29 | Tom Jennings reminiscences |
Henley Beach | 34 | 20 | Poem |
Henley Beach ('Mail' articles) | 16 | 5 to 8 | |
Henley Beach & Grange Herald | 42 | 48 to 49 | Local newspaper |
Henley Beach Anglican Church | 12 | 26 | See also St. Michales & All Angels |
Henley Beach Catholic Tennis Club | 25 | 20 to 23 | Image - |
Henley Beach Church of Christ | 19 | 6 | Seaview Road |
Henley Beach Community Kindergarten | 44 | 2 | Image |
Henley Beach Community Kindergarten | 44 | 2 | Image |
Henley Beach Community Kindergarten | 44 | 2 | Image - 70th Birthday Celebration |
Henley Beach Court | 10 | 8 | |
Henley Beach CWA | 23 | 7 | |
Henley Beach Electorate | 10 | 4 | |
Henley Beach Institute | 14 | 25 to 28 | Image - Late 1900's, Charles R. Hodge |
Henley Beach Institute | 27 | 36 to 37 | Image - |
Henley Beach Institute | 44 | 35 to 36 | Image |
Henley Beach Institute | 44 | 35 to 36 | Image |
Henley Beach Institute | 44 | 35 to 36 | Image - |
Henley Beach Library, Henley Mall | 44 | 38 | |
Henley Beach Library, Henley Mall | 44 | 38 | |
Henley Beach Library, Henley Mall | 44 | 38 | |
Henley Beach Methodist Church | 2 | 13 to 16, after 6 | Image - |
Henley Beach Methodist Church | 3 | 32 | |
Henley Beach Methodist Church | 20 | 47 | Henry Allen |
Henley Beach Panorama | 44 | Cover | Image |
Henley Beach Panorama | 44 | Cover | Image |
Henley Beach Panorama | 44 | Cover | Image - |
Henley Beach Post Office | 23 | 40 | Second post office |
Henley Beach Post Office - See also Post Office | 9 | 5 to 8, after 10 | Image - |
Henley Beach Primary School | 44 | 12 | Image |
Henley Beach Primary School | 44 | 41 to 49 | |
Henley Beach Primary School | 44 | 12 | Image |
Henley Beach Primary School | 44 | 41 to 49 | |
Henley Beach Primary School | 44 | 12 | Image - Grade 6 Class Photo |
Henley Beach Primary School | 44 | 41 to 49 | |
Henley Beach Primary School (1940s-80s) | 45 | 62-71 | image |
Henley Beach Railway | 45 | 9 | map |
Henley Beach Railway Station | 20 | 50 | 1920's and 30's |
Henley Beach Road | 1 | After 11 | Image - West of Tapleys Hill Road (early 1900's) |
Henley Beach Road | 4 | After 24 | Image - |
Henley Beach Road | 5 | 34 | |
Henley Bowling Club | 20 | 42, 43 | |
Henley Bowling Club | 43 | 18 | Image - Centenary |
Henley Café | 29 | 11 to 16 | Speaker - Malcolm Stafford |
Henley Cake | 33 | 40 | Image - Recipe |
Henley Community & Advisory Centre | 19 | 44 | |
Henley Community Kindergarten | 20 | 29 | |
Henley Community Kindergarten | 24 | 38 to 41 | Image - |
Henley Croquet Club | 20 | 43 | |
Henley Football Club | 43 | 33 to 34 | Image - See also - Football |
Henley Hardware Store - See also South Henley Hardware | 27 | 26 to 27 | Image - |
Henley High (Dance, musicals, exams) | 45 | 15 | image |
Henley High School | 3 | 41 | |
Henley High School | 11 | 35 | |
Henley High School | 19 | 7 | |
Henley High School | 23 | 22 | |
Henley High School | 29 | 18 | |
Henley History Walk | 8 | 11 to 13 | |
Henley History Walk | 29 | 9 to 10 | |
Henley Hotel | 14 | 23 | |
Henley Hotel | 30 | 35 to 38 | Image - List of Publicans |
Henley Hotel | 40 | 31 to 32 | |
Henley Jetty Pavillion - See Jetty Pavillion | |||
Henley Kiosk | 39 | 57 to 58 | Image - |
Henley Kiosk - See Kiosk, or under proprietor's name | |||
Henley Kiosk (end of Henley Beach Road) | 40 | 32 | Image - |
Henley Memorial Oval | 23 | 22 | Board of Management |
Henley Memorial Oval | 29 | 30 | |
Henley Memorial Oval | 35 | 21 | |
Henley Memorial Oval | 18 | 42 | Clubrooms open |
Henley Primary School | 5 | 13 to 15 | |
Henley Primary School | 10 | 9 | |
Henley Primary School | 17 | 9, 12 | 1949, Gates |
Henley Primary School | 19 | 6, 8 to 9, 35, 38 | Opening 1924, goal posts, Malcolm Clode |
Henley Primary School | 20 | 20 to 25 | Gordon Johns reminiscences 1931-36 |
Henley Primary School | 29 | 18 | |
Henley Primary School | 32 | 55 to 59 | Gordon Johns |
Henley Primary School | 41 | 76 to 81 | Image - Establishment |
Henley Primary School Cricket Team | 40 | 53 | 1947 |
Henley Private School | 20 | 33 | Advertisement |
Henley Private School | 29 | 17 | |
Henley Recreation Association | 20 | 41 to 45 | Image - |
Henley Reminiscences | 28 | 41 to 42 | Image - |
Henley Sailing Club | 25 | 15, 19 | Image - |
Henley South | 40 | 50 to 51 | |
Henley South Inland Walk | 44 | 9 to 10 | Image |
Henley South Inland Walk | 44 | 9 to 10 | Image |
Henley South Inland Walk | 44 | 9 to 10 | Image - |
Henley South Walk | 43 | 12 to 13 | Image - Speaker - Roger Edmonds |
Henley Square | 5 | Cover | Image - Fountain |
Henley Square | 18 | 5 | Pole Sitters |
Henley Square | 20 | 8 | |
Henley Square | 21 | 31 to 33 | |
Henley Square | 23 | 22 | |
Henley Square | 29 | 11 | Library & shop |
Henley Square | 29 | 14 | Johns Butcher |
Henley Square | 30 | 21 to 23 | Image - Foreshore improvements |
Henley Square Book Exchange | 44 | 38 | |
Henley Square Book Exchange | 44 | 38 | |
Henley Square Book Exchange | 44 | 38 | |
Henley Surf Life Saving Club | 19 | 14 | New boat |
Henley Surf Lifesaving Club | 19 | 34, 38, 40, 48 | |
Henley Surf Lifesaving Club | 23 | 29 | |
Henley Surf Lifesaving Club | 29 | 8 | Chook Fielder |
Henley Surf Lifesaving Club | 30 | 7 to 18 | Image - |
Henley Surf Lifesaving Club | 32 | 41 to 48 | Image - Club houses |
Henley Surf Lifesaving Club | 33 | 61 to 66 | Bravery |
Henley Surf Lifesaving Club | 41 | 9 to 13 | |
Henley Swimming Pool | 19 | 12 | |
Henley Swimming Pool | 21 | 28 | Plaque |
Henley Swimming Pool | 29 | 12 | Storm damage |
Henley Swimming Pool | 29 | 47 | Swimming Club |
Henley Swimming Pool | 32 | 35 to 40 | |
Henley Swimming Pool | 34 | 38 | |
Henley Swimming Pool | 11 | 10 | |
Henley Swimming Pool | 12 | 9 | |
Henley Swimming Pool | 17 | 40 | Open water swim |
Henley Swimming Pool | 17 | 41 | Swimmers List |
Henley Swimming Pool | 37 | 6 | |
Henley Swimming Pool | 40 | 33 to 36 | Image - |
Henley Swimming Pool - See also Pool or Swimming | |||
Henley Tennis Club | 20 | 41 to 44 | |
Henley TennisClub | 40 | 77 | |
Henley Topographic Map | 39 | 22 to 23 | Image - Map 1926 |
Henley Town Hall | 20 | 11 | Movies |
Henley Town Hall | 25 | 18 | Carpentry 1920's |
Henley Town Hall | 29 | 34, 35 | Image - Kopurlo, old house part of Library |
Henley Town Hall | 30 | 39 to 40 | |
Henley Town Hall | 13 | 10 | |
Henley Town Hall | 14 | 10 | See also Picture Theatre |
Henley Town Hall | 17 | 44 to 45 | Image - |
Henley Town Hall | 43 | 3, 46 to 55 | Image - See also - Soldiers Memorial |
Henley Town Hall | 41 | 51 to 52 | Image - Honour rolls |
Henley Town Hall | 44 | 40 | Image |
Henley Town Hall | 44 | 40 | Image |
Henley Town Hall | 44 | 40 | Image - "Pop-up" Library |
Henley Town Hall - 100 yrs | 45 | 8 | |
Henley Town Hall (List of Events) | 43 | 52 to 53 | Centenary. See also - Journal 43 cover |
Henley Unemployed Group (HUG) | 22 | 40 | |
Hewton, Terry | 40 | 40 to 52 | Image - |
Heysen, Hans | 44 | 57 | |
Heysen, Hans | 44 | 57 | |
Heysen, Hans | 44 | 57 | Sand Carters' |
Hicks Family | 4 | 15 | |
Hicks Family | 5 | 6, 22 | |
Hicks Family | 6 | 7 | |
Hicks Family | 10 | 6 to 7 | |
Hicks Family | 19 | 34 | Harry Hicks Garage, Seaview Road |
Hicks, Henry | 44 | 50 | |
Hicks, Henry | 44 | 50 | |
Hicks, Henry | 44 | 50 | Garage |
High Tea (Int. Year of Older Persons) | 20 | 12 to 13 | |
Hill, Clive | 32 | 51 to 53 | Memories |
Hill, Clive | 38 | 48 to 52 | Legion of Honour |
Hill, Clive | 37 | 10 to 12 | WWII service |
Hindmarsh & West Torrens Cricket Club | 29 | 23 to 32 | Image - |
Historic Henley Walking Tour App. | 42 | 11 to 12 | Image - Launch |
Historic Henley Walking Tour App. | 41 | 1, 24 to 26 | Image - Speaker - Roger Edmonds |
Historic Henley Walking Tour App. | 40 | 20 to 21 | Image - Speaker - Roger Edmonds |
Historic Henley Walking Tour App. Subcommittee | 41 | 25 | Image - |
Historical Exhibition | 7 | 11 to 12 | |
Historical Records Project | 18 | 34 | |
History Festival 2018 | 39 | 13 to 14 | Image - |
History Hut | 45 | 1 | Image - |
History Month | 43 | 14 to 15 | Image - Walks, displays, house visits |
History Walks | 29 | 9, 10 | Image - |
History Walks | 40 | 18 to 19 | Image - |
HMAS Australia | 12 | 29 to 31 | Ship and Road |
HMAS Barcoo | 4 | After 24 | Image - Ship aground at West Beach |
HMCS Protector | 13 | 34 | |
Hobbs, William George | 21 | 31 | House, West Beach |
Hockey, Grange Oval - See also Grange Hockey Club | 17 | 13 | |
Hocking, Frank Maxwell | 28 | 51 | Nautilus |
Hodge, Charles R. | 14 | 26 to 28 | Henley Institute |
Holdens Swimming Club | 29 | 52, 53 | |
Hollard, Reg | 3 | 13 | |
Hollard, Reg | 10 | 16 | Store, Riding School |
Hollard, Reg | 37 | 61 | |
Hollard's Riding School | 45 | 54 | |
Honour Rolls | 42 | 52 to 58 | Image - |
Hookes, David | 29 | 29 to 30 | |
Hooper, Garry | 16 | 26 to 27 | Speaker - Experiences as a POW |
Horne, Robert (speaker) | 45 | 7 | |
Horse Trams | 45 | 52-53 | |
Hospital (Western Community) | 9 | 11 to 12 | Alf Griffiths |
Hospitals | 37 | 48 | Miss Copley Private Hospital |
Housing Trust | 3 | 25 to 26 | |
Housing Trust | 38 | 27 | |
Housing Trust | 44 | 58 to 59 | |
Housing Trust | 44 | 58 to 59 | |
Housing Trust | 44 | 58 to 59 | West Beach |
Howard (teacher Henley Beach P.S.) | 45 | 62 | |
Howard, G. | 17 | 15, 19 | |
Howchin, Professor W. | 4 | 24 | Aboriginal relics |
Howe, William | 33 | 62 to 65 | Image - |
Hudd, George (Builder) | 4 | 16 | |
Hudd, George (Builder) | 14 | Cover | Image - Hudd with staff, 1885 |
Hudd, George (Builder) | 15 | 23 | |
Hughes, George E. | 17 | 14, 15, 18 | |
Hughes, L.B. | 18 | 38 | |
Hughes, L.B. | 19 | 49 | |
Hunt Club | 3 | 41 | |
Hunt Club | 17 | 17, 19, 20 | Map |
Hurcombe, Alf | 45 | 52 | |
Hurcombe, Lance | 3 | 27 to 42 | Reminiscences |
Hutchesson's Butcher | 40 | 64 | |
Hynes, Dr Timothy Augustine | 44 | 51 to 54 | |
Hynes, Dr Timothy Augustine | 44 | 51 to 54 | |
Hynes, Dr Timothy Augustine | 44 | 51 to 54 | |
Hynes, Dr. | 4 | 31 | See also Fuji Yama |
Hynes, Dr. | 9 | 8 | |
Hynes, Dr. | 17 | 46 | Broken Hill children |
Ide, Albert | 6 | 10 to 12 | Blacksmith, trainer Bob the Wonder Dog |
Ide, Albert | 7 | 16 | |
Ide, Albert | 10 | 20 | |
Ide, Albert | 12 | 32 | |
Ide, Albert | 14 | 35 | See also Bob the Wonder Dog |
Ide, Albert | 31 | 53 to 56 | Auction of house |
Ide, Albert | 40 | 70, 78 | |
Ide, Albert | 42 | 19, 22 | Image - Blacksmith, carriage builder |
Institues Movement | 44 | 16 to 23 | Image |
Institues Movement | 44 | 16 to 23 | Image |
Institues Movement | 44 | 16 to 23 | Image - Grange Institute |
Institute Building - See Henley Beach Institute | 36 to 37 | Image - | |
Institutes Movement | 43 | 7 | Worldwide movement |
Jackson's Bakery | 3 | 16 | |
Jackson's Bakery | 11 | 32 | |
Jackson's Bakery | 15 | 7 | |
Jacobsen, Mavis | 11 | 22 | Speaker - Royal District Nursing Society |
Jaggards (Greengrocers) | 37 | 62 | |
Jagger's Deli | 40 | 64 | Image - |
James, Sylvia | See Elliott Family | ||
Jarrah Cottage Grange | 24 | 32 to 34 | Image - |
Jeanes, W.H. (Woodville Town Clerk) | 15 | 15 to 17 | |
Jeeves, Arthur | 34 | 28 to 29 | Image - |
Jennings, Tom | 9 | 30 | Image - Speaker - Henley Surfe Lifesaving Club |
Jennings, Tom | 34 | 30 | Image - |
Jennings, Tom | 41 | 8 to 13 | Image - |
Jerusalem | 3 | 29 | |
Jerusalem | 4 | 16 to 17, 23 to 24 | |
Jervis, Lindsay (deputy principal Henley Beach P.S.) | 45 | 66 | |
Jetty - Grange | 3 | 14 to 15 | |
Jetty - Grange | 24 | 26 | Repairs |
Jetty - Grange | 37 | 10 | Calendar print by Timothy Messack |
Jetty - Henley Beach | 13 | 31 | Collapse 1897 |
Jetty - Henley Beach | 14 | 5 to 6 | |
Jetty - Henley Beach | 19 | 5 | |
Jetty - Henley Beach | 20 | 28 | Lifesavers |
Jetty - Henley Beach | 24 | 26 | Fountain, navigation light |
Jetty - Henley Beach | 37 | 5 to 6 | |
Jetty Pavillion | 1 | Cover | Image - |
Jetty Pavillion | 5 | 22 | |
Jetty Pavillion | 14 | 5 to 6 | Image - |
Jetty Pavillion | 37 | 6 | |
Jetty Street, Grange | 3 | 15 to 16 | |
Jetty Street, Grange | 29 | 22 | Image - |
Jluka (West Beach) | 21 | 31 | |
John Hill & Company (coachowners) | 45 | 51 | |
John, Perc (Waxy) (shop owner) | 45 | 64 | |
Johns Family | 4 | 15, 30 | |
Johns Family | 5 | 5 to 11 | |
Johns Family | 11 | 26 | |
Johns Family | 14 | 35 | |
Johns Family | 19 | 5 | Newspaperman |
Johns Family | 25 | 35 to 43 | 1st and 2nd generation |
Johns Family | 26 | 35 to 51 | 3rd generation |
Johns Family | 32 | 54 to 61 | Gordon Johns' memories |
Johns Family | 35 | 14 | Image - Pocket watch |
Johns, S.G. | 44 | 37 | |
Johns, S.G. | 44 | 37 | |
Johns, S.G. | 44 | 37 | |
Johnson, Joseph (Farmer, West Beach) | 12 | 28 | |
Johnson, Joseph (Farmer, West Beach) | 20 | 34 | Farmhouse at West Beach |
Johnson, Joseph (Farmer, West Beach) | 21 | 30, 31 | House |
Johnson, Joseph (Farmer, West Beach) | 38 | 11 | |
Jolley, Eric | 43 | 41 to 43 | Image - Chemist at Henley Square |
Jones, Alby, Dr (Director General SA Education Dept) | 45 | 67 | image |
Jones, Ernest (Cricketer) | 5 | 12 | |
Jones, Ron | 9 | 18 to 19 | |
Jones, Ron | 10 | 21, 29 to 31 | Reminiscences |
Jory, Rex | 19 | 16, 43 | Advertiser article |
Jubilee 150 | 6 | 4 | |
Jubilee 150 | 7 | 5 to 10, 13 to 14 | |
Jubilee 150 | 33 | 74 to 76 | Image - Henley & Grange Parade |
Jubilee International Exhibition | 42 | 59 to 66 | Image - Henley Beach entries |
Junior Red Cross - See also Red Cross | |||
Junior Red Cross Home | 3 | 16 | |
Junior Red Cross Home | 5 | 29, 37 to 39 | |
Junior Red Cross Home | 8 | 7 | |
Junior Red Cross Home | 10 | 8 | |
Junior Red Cross Home | 37 | 48 | |
Junior Red Cross Home | 40 | 37 to 38 | Image - |
Kallin, Sven | 19 | 35 | Amateur quest |
Kallin, Sven | 29 | 16 | |
Kallin, Sven | 9 | 12 to 13 | |
Kallin, Sven | 37 | 48 | |
Kallin, Sven | 40 | 77 | |
Kandahar, West Torrens | 45 | 11 | image |
Kaurna People | 36 | 58, 63, 64 | |
Kaurna People - See also Aborigines | 2 | 18 | |
Keipert (Hairdressing) | 37 | 61 | |
Keipert, Rex | 40 | 62 to 63 | |
Kelly Family | 2 | 10 to 11 | |
Kelly Family | 4 | 9 to 10 | |
Kelly Family | 5 | 23 | See also Mitton |
Kelly Family | 23 | 10 to 12 | Marjorie Mitton story |
Kelly, Bryan | 29 | 33 to 35 | Kopurlo family home |
Kelsey, William | 8 | 6 | |
Kelsey, William | 13 | 17 | |
Kelsey, William | 14 | 25 to 26, 33 | Henley Beach Assembly Rooms |
Kelsey, William | 17 | 17 | |
Kelsey's Assembly Hall | 44 | 35 | |
Kelsey's Assembly Hall | 44 | 35 | |
Kelsey's Assembly Hall | 44 | 35 | (See also Henley Beach Institute) |
Kelsey's Corner Store | 3 | Cover | Image - c1900 |
Kempster, Tommy | 22 | 23 | Shark fisher |
Kendall, Henry | 12 | 26 | Poet |
Kendall, Sylvia | 5 | After 19, 37 to 39 | Image - Speaker - Junior Red Cross Home |
Kernot, Mrs. | 27 | 18 | Shop |
Kerrison, Michael (Mayor, Publican) | 2 | 8 to 9 | |
Kerrison, Michael (Mayor, Publican) | 7 | 28 | |
Kerrison, Michael (Mayor, Publican) | 11 | 31 | |
Kerrison, Michael (Mayor, Publican) | 16 | 35 | |
Kerrison, Michael (Mayor, Publican) | 28 | 48, 49, 50 | Image - |
Kerrison, Michael (Mayor, Publican) | 31 | 10 to 11 | |
Kerrison, Michael (Mayor, Publican) | 40 | 67 | |
Kidman, Sydney | 45 | 49 | |
Kindergarten - See Henley Community Kindergarten | |||
Kindergarten, St Agnes Hall | 45 | 39 | |
King, J & Sons | 6 | 9 | Torrens Outlet Contractors |
Kiosk | 4 | 19 to 20 | |
Kiosk | 5 | 10 | |
Kiosk | 19 | 38 | Frank Clode |
Kiosk | 19 | 40 | A. Leonard's reminiscences |
Kiosk | 28 | 22 to 26 | Image - Advertisement |
Kiosk | 38 | 53 to 57 | Gehlert as proprietors |
Kiosk - See also Gehlert, Belcher | |||
Kiosk, Henley | 45 | 12 | |
Kirkcaldy Bridge | 28 | 32, 33 | Image - |
Knapstein, Doug & Gwenda & Heather | 33 | 54 to 57 | Henley Gift Shop |
Kopurlo (Henley Library) | 29 | 33 to 35 | Image - |
Kroemer (Cromer), Sgt. | 22 | 21 | Henley Police Station |
Kroemer (Cromer), Sgt. | 33 | 77 to 83 | Image - |
Lady Galway Convalescent Home - See Galway | |||
Laidlaw, Alan | 3 | 10 to 18 | Speaker - Reminiscences |
Lamb, Bob & Wilson, Herb | 38 | 33 | Café |
Lambert, Ern | 19 | 49 | |
Lamplighter | 3 | 28 to 29 | Billy Lewis |
Lamplighter | 15 | 5 | |
Lamplighter - See also Lighting | |||
Lamplighter (Mr. Noble) | 2 | 28 | |
Lamplighter (Mr. Noble) | 6 | 17 | |
Lanyon Family | 32 | 66 | |
Lanyon, Cuthbert | 39 | 66 to 67 | Employed at Fry's Butcher Shop |
Lanyon, Dorothy | 10 | 15 to 17 | Speaker - Reminiscences |
Lanyon, Dorothy | 34 | 24 | |
Lanyon, Dorothy | 44 | 36 | |
Lanyon, Dorothy | 44 | 36 | |
Lanyon, Dorothy | 44 | 36 | |
Lanyon, Dorothy | 45 | 54 | |
Laragy, James M, Mr (teacher Grange P.S.) | 45 | 44, 45 | image |
Laubman Family (Carl, Maude, Eulalie) | 37 | 47 | |
Laubman, Charles | 44 | 26, 28 to 29 | |
Laubman, Charles | 44 | 26, 28 to 29 | |
Laubman, Charles | 44 | 26, 28 to 29 | Laubman and Pank |
Lawrie, Mick | 19 | 5, 33 | Dairy |
Lawrie's Dairy | 37 | 49 | |
Lawrie's Dairy | 43 | 30 | |
Lawry, Mrs (teacher Henley Beach P.S.) | 45 | 62 | image |
Le Havre (residence) | 11 | 32 | |
Le Havre (residence) | 20 | 10 | Policing in Henley & Grange, history of |
Leditschke (nee Bennier), Margaret | 13 | 21 to 25 | Geography Project |
Lee, P.K. (cricketer & footballer) | 37 | 47 | |
Leighton, Brant | 10 | 22 to 23 | Merry Go Round |
Lelieure, Charles | 40 | 67 | |
Lelievre, Charles (mounted constable) | 14 | 29 to 33 | Speaker - Reminiscences |
Lemnos (Hockey Club) | 2 | 9 to 10 | Early Hockey Club |
Leonard, Alan | 4 | 14 to 18 | Speaker - Reminiscences |
Leonard, Alan | 5 | 23 | |
Leonard, Alan | 9 | 33 | |
Leonard, Alan | 15 | 23 | |
Leonard, Alan & Nell | 18 | 25 to 26 | Image - Speaker - Phonographs |
Leonard, Nell | 4 | 18 to 22 | Speaker - Reminiscences |
Leonard, Nell | 8 | 27 | Interviewer |
Lewis, Billy (Lamplighter) | 3 | 28 to 29 | See also lighting |
Lewis, Billy (Lamplighter) | 15 | 5 | See also lighting |
Lewis, Norman | 14 | 39 | Speaker - Antarctica |
Liars Club | 8 | 7 | |
Libraries, Private | 20 | 33 | |
Library | 18 | 14 | Mobile Library |
Library | 32 | 62 to 65 | |
Lifeboat | 8 | 26 | |
Lifesaving | 1 | 16 | |
Lifesaving | 3 | 13 | |
Lifesaving | 5 | 21 | |
Lifesaving | 6 | Cover, 38 to 39 | Image - Lifeboat 1938 |
Lifesaving | 7 | 20 | |
Lifesaving | 8 | 9, 25 to 26 | |
Lifesaving | 9 | 23 to 25, 30 to 33 | History Henley Surf Lifesaving Club |
Lifesaving | 10 | 38 | |
Lifesaving | 13 | 7 to 8 | |
Lifesaving | 14 | 11, 43 to 44 | |
Lifesaving | 15 | 43 | |
Lifesaving | 20 | 28 | at Henley |
Lifesaving | 25 | 4 | Funds |
Lifesaving - See also Henley Surf Lifesaving Club | |||
Lightburn, Harold (inventor, manufacturer) | 37 | 48 | |
Lighting | 2 | 28 | |
Lighting | 3 | 29 | |
Lighting | 12 | 18 | |
Lighting | 14 | 12 to 13 | |
Lighting | 24 | 29 | |
Lines, Fred S. | 17 | 14 | Henley Beach Golf Club, Councillor |
Linkson, John (Grange Postmaster) | 9 | 8 to 10 | Speaker - Post Offices |
Little Libraries | 44 | 71 | Image |
Little Libraries | 44 | 71 | Image |
Little Libraries | 44 | 71 | Image - |
Local Business - See also Shops | |||
Local Business (Shops) | 3 | 7 to 9, 15 to 16 | |
Local Business (Shops) | 4 | 30 | |
Local Business (Shops) | 5 | 10 to 11 | |
Local Business (Shops) | 8 | 27 to 28 | |
Local Business (Shops) | 19 | 15 to 17 | M. Darsow |
Local Business (Shops) | 19 | 16 | Misses Johnson, Northey Bros, Ray Burton (Astra) |
Local Business (Shops) | 19 | 18, 21 | Image - Fry Butchers |
Local Business (Shops) | 19 | 19 | Edna Dunning's Deli, Colin Hutchesson butcher |
Local Business (Shops) | 37 | 61 | Keipert hairdressing |
Local Government - Chronology | 18 | 24 | |
Local Mysteries | 35 | 16 to 17, 20 to 21 | Image - Speaker - Ian Miller |
Lockleys Estate | 12 | 37 | |
Lockleys Riding School | 45 | 54 | |
Lorego Beach House | 32 | 66 | Addendum |
Loreto Beach House | 31 | 16 to 19 | Image - |
Lunn, Samuel (Sammy) | 17 | 48 | |
Lunn, Samuel (Sammy) | 18 | 7 | |
Lunn, Samuel (Sammy) | 37 | 65 | Image - House 37 Grange Road |
Luscri, Carmela (Researcher) | 5 | 4 | |
Luscri, Carmela (Researcher) | 6 | 33 | |
MacDonald, Iris (Alderman) | 1 | 2 | |
MacDonald, Iris (Alderman) | 19 | 44 | Henley Community Advisory Centre |
MacDonald, Iris (Alderman) | 32 | 64 | Image - Henley Library |
Madam Zambra, Fortune Teller | 20 | 30 | |
Mail Bus | 3 | 28 | |
Maloney, Bill (Caravan Park) | 38 | 27 | |
Mangrove Swamps (Grange Lakes) | 37 | 37 | |
Manning, Geoff | 40 | 56, 61 | History of Grange Golf Club |
Manning, Geoffrey (Historian) | 13 | 37 to 38 | Speaker - S.A. Nomenclature, Henley subdivision |
Mansfield, Janet | 28 | 41 to 43 | Image - |
Maps | 12 | 11 | Image - Adelaide Suburban 1912 |
Maps | 7 | After 26 | Image - Early Street Map |
Maps | 13 | 23 | Image - H & G land and soil utilisation |
Maps | 13 | 30 | Image - Road map 1912 |
Maps | 17 | 20 | Grange/Henley |
Maps | 19 | 27, 28 | Henley Beach South |
Maps | 39 | 23 | Image - 1926 topographic map |
Maps - See also Grange Walks | 16 | 44 to 45 | Adelaide Coast 1935, Port River |
Mardi Gras Wedding (Carnival) | 4 | 20 to 21 | |
Marine Discovery Centre | 40 | 13 | |
Marineland | 44 | 65 | Image |
Marineland | 44 | 65 | Image |
Marineland | 44 | 65 | Image - |
Marineland | 45 | 33-35 | |
Marineland, West Beach | 25 | 33 | |
Marines, the | 3 | 17 | |
Marines, the | 14 | 7 | |
Marines, the | 17 | 22 | |
Marines, the | 20 | 39 | Construction |
Marines, the | 22 | 29 to 34 | |
Marines, the | 23 | 23 | |
Marines, the | 27 | 7 | A. Harvey No. 1 |
Marines, the | 38 | 34 | Sadlier Sisters, residents |
Marines, the | 37 | 58 | |
Maringa (Yacht | 13 | 7 | |
Maringa (Yacht) | 10 | 10 | |
Market Garden - See also Tomato Growers | 37 | 49 | |
Market gardeners | 41 | 76 to 77 | Image - Shacks |
Market Gardens | 22 | 16 | |
Marles, Maybelle (Historian) | 11 | 21 | Speaker - Pictorial History of West Torrens |
Marrett (Shopkeeper, Postmaster) | 6 | 25 | |
Marrett (Shopkeeper, Postmaster) | 11 | 31 | |
Marrett (Shopkeeper, Postmaster) | 14 | 7, 25 | |
Marrett (Shopkeeper, Postmaster) | 20 | 17, 18 | Grange Hall |
Marrett (Shopkeeper, Postmaster) | 34 | 39 | |
Marrett Family | 33 | 44 to 52 | |
Marrett, Louise Mrs. | 18 | 43 | |
Marrett's Store | 45 | 50 | |
Marsden, Dr. Susan | 38 | 7 | Speaker - History of West Lakes |
Marsden, Susan (author) | 36 | 57 | |
Marshall, Charles | 7 | 23 to 24 | Early radiographer |
Marshall, Dorothy | 7 | 24 to 25 | Women's Land Army |
Marshall, Pvt William Ralph | 29 | 36 to 40 | Image - Map |
Marshall, William | 29 | 36 to 40 | |
Matson's Stables | 14 | 44 | |
Matson's Stables | 22 | 23 | |
Matters, Muriel | 36 | 16 to 17 | Image - Speaker - Frances Bedford MP |
May Family | 35 | 49 to 51 | Image - |
May, Harry (Mayor) | 7 | 28 | |
May, Sir Kenneth | 15 | 22 | Advertiser Newspapers |
Mayors/Mayoresses | 4 | 13 | List of |
Mayors/Mayoresses | 7 | 27 to 31 | Short Biographies |
McBeth, Miss (teacher Grange P.S.) | 45 | 43 | |
McCabe Sisters | 37 | 60 | |
McCarthy, David | 2 | 4 to 5, 26 to 29 | Speaker - First Year of Corporation |
McCarthy, David | 6 | 20 | |
McCarthy, David | 8 | 11 | |
McCauley, Mr. | 27 | 18 | Shop |
McEwan & Sons (Land Agents) | 24 | 4 | |
McFie, Kerry (horse owner) | 45 | 55 | image |
McKee, Eileen Miss | 17 | 40 | |
McKenzie, Helen | 39 | 50, 53 to 55 | Childhood at Grange |
McLean, J.T. (Grange Railway, Sports) | 13 | 15 to 18 | |
McLean, J.T. (Grange Railway, Sports) | 14 | 22 | |
McLean, J.T. (Grange Railway, Sports) | 16 | 21 | |
McMichael, Eric Habershon | 28 | 48, 49 | |
McNeil (teacher Henley Beach P.S.) | 45 | 62 | |
Meals on Wheels - See H & G Meals on Wheels | |||
Mellor Family | 12 | 37 to 41 | |
Mellor Family | 13 | 17 | |
Mellor Family | 14 | 33 | |
Mellor Family | 15 | 25 | |
Mellor Family | 38 | 11 | |
Memorial - See Soldiers Memorial | |||
Memorial Oval - See Henley Memorial Oval | |||
Merry Go Round | 10 | 22 to 23 | |
Merry Go Round | 24 | 23 | |
Merry Go Round | 24 | 29 | Council minutes |
Methodist Church - See also Henley Beach Methodist | |||
Methodist Church, Henley Beach | 20 | 5, 6 | J.C. Stobie |
Metropolitan Tramways Trust | 37 | 6 | |
Military Exercises | 13 | 35 to 36 | |
Military Road | 3 | 8, 23 to 24, 42 | |
Military Road | 9 | Cover | Image - near Grange mid 1920's |
Military Road | 12 | 7, 24 | |
Military Road | 17 | 27 to 29 | |
Military Road | 24 | 28 | Removal of sand 1903 |
Military Road | 33 | 49 | |
Military Road | 36 | 52 to 56 | Construction |
Milkmen | 14 | 35 | |
Milkmen | 19 | 33 | Mick Lawrie, Roly Stafford |
Milkmen | 38 | 25 to 28 | Ray Burton |
Milkmen - See Atkin, Burton, Lawrie, Stafford | |||
Mills, R.J. (early Town Clerk) | 2 | 28 | |
Mills, R.J. (early Town Clerk) | 4 | 13 | |
Milne, F. Kenneth (Architect) | 11 | 6 | |
Milne, F. Kenneth (Architect) | 14 | 16 to 18 | |
Mitchell, John (Mayor) | 7 | 30 | |
Mitchell, Margaret | 44 | 23 | |
Mitchell, Margaret | 44 | 23 | |
Mitchell, Margaret | 44 | 23 | Grange Institute |
Mitton Family | 18 | 29 to 33 | |
Mitton Family | 37 | 67 | Image - Family home |
Mitton, E.W. (Mayor) | 4 | 20 | |
Mitton, E.W. (Mayor) | 5 | 14 | |
Mitton, E.W. (Mayor) | 7 | 29 | |
Mitton, E.W. (Mayor) | 17 | 15 | |
Mitton, E.W. (Mayor) | 18 | 30 | |
Mitton, J.E. | 33 | 49 | |
Mitton, Kip & Marjorie | 2 | 11 | |
Mitton, Kip & Marjorie | 5 | 23 | |
Mitton, Kip & Marjorie | 4 | 5 to 12 | Speaker - Marjorie Mitton Reminiscences |
Mitton, Marjorie | 23 | 10 to 12 | Family story |
Mitton, Ron (Rhodes Scholar) | 11 | 24 | |
Modert Art Gallery (Tennyson House) | 42 | 35 to 40 | Image - Kym Bonython's home & gallery |
Molinari, Tony (Antonio) & Catherine | 45 | 24, 30-32 | image |
Molloy, Janine | 34 | 37 to 38 | Image - |
Monash, Sir John (Engineering in SA) | 39 | 30 to 32 | Speaker - John Woodside |
Moodlunga Private School | 29 | 17 | |
Moody, Dr. Charles | 5 | 37 | Grange Boys & Girls Club |
Moody, Dr. Charles | 15 | 7 to 12 | Grange Boys & Girls Club |
Moody, Dr. Charles | 38 | 38 | |
Moroney, Damien (speaker) | 45 | 8 | |
Mortlock Library | 21 | 5 | Upgrade information |
Moseley, Ken & Kaye | 43 | 36-37 | |
Mothers & Babies' Health Association (MBHA) | 45 | 40 | |
Motor Cycle Club | 4 | 16 | |
Motor Vehicles | 10 | 8 | |
Motor Vehicles | 13 | 12 | |
Moulds, Brian | 4 | 4 | Speaker - Foreshore |
Movement of Sand & Sea | 31 | 38 to 39 | |
Movies - see Picture Theatre | |||
Muirhead, L.C. Dr | 45 | 12 | |
Murphy, 'Spud' (woodwork teacher Henley Beach P.S.) | 45 | 62 | |
Murray, David | 18 | 43, 44 | |
Murray, Joseph (Snake Man) | 4 | 15 | |
Murray, Joseph (Snake Man) | 9 | 8 | |
Murray, Joseph (Snake Man) | 16 | 23 to 24 | |
Murray, Joseph (Snake Man) | 18 | 33 | |
Murray, Joseph (Snake Man) | 22 | 23 | |
Music/Musicians (including singers) | 4 | 6, 15, 19, 32 | |
Music/Musicians (including singers) | 5 | 31 | |
Music/Musicians (including singers) | 6 | 6 | |
Music/Musicians (including singers) | 9 | 12 to 13 | |
Music/Musicians (including singers) | 10 | 5 | |
Music/Musicians (including singers) | 11 | 13, 23 | |
Music/Musicians (including singers) | 14 | 15 | |
Music/Musicians (including singers) | 38 | 56 to 57 | Kensington & Norwood Municipal Band |
Music/Musicians (including singers) | 37 | 6 | Bandstand re-location |
Mutual Improvement Society | 16 | 20 to 21 | |
N Kola Donga | 37 | 59 | Image - |
N Kola Donga (residence) | 14 | 16 to 18, 39 | Scarfe house |
N'Kola Donga | 44 | 3 | |
N'Kola Donga | 44 | 3 | |
N'Kola Donga | 44 | 3 | |
Nankarie (early residence) | 3 | 30, 33 | A.H. Davis home |
Nash, Ron (Town Clerk) | 3 | 5, 19 to 26 | Speaker - Reminiscences |
Nautilus | 28 | 48 to 53 | Image - Advertisment |
Nautilus | 37 | 58 | Image - |
Naval Toast | 16 | 30 | |
Naylor, Miss | 27 | 18 | Shop |
Neilsen, Johnny | 19 | 33 | |
Newcombe, Noel | 2 | 13 to 16 | Early days of Henley Beach Methodist Church |
Newcombe, Noel | 17 | 31 | |
Newcombe, Noel | 19 | 9 | Kiosk |
Newcombe, Noel | 19 | 30 | Tram clock near Newcombe's Shop |
Newcombe, Noel | 20 | 8 | Deliveries to shop by Bob Potts |
Newcombe, Noel | 20 | 12 to 16 | Image - Family history |
Newcombe, Noel | 27 | 17 | Shop |
Newcombe, Noel | 27 | 23 | Childhood garden |
Newcombe, Noel | 28 | 1 to 4 | Life Membership presentation |
Newcombe, Noel | 36 | 9 to 12 | Image - Eulogy |
Newlands, Donald (Mayor) | 5 | 24 | |
Newlands, Donald (Mayor) | 7 | 29 | |
Newlands, Donald (Mayor) | 20 | 31 | West Beach Lifesaving Club |
Newlands, Donald (Mayor) | 23 | 29 | |
Nicholas, Dr. Jeff (Author) | 38 | 15 to 18 | Speaker - Naming of Adelaide Streets |
Nitschke, Jack (cricketer) | 37 | 47 | |
Noble (Lamplighter) | 2 | 28 | |
Noble (Lamplighter) | 6 | 17 | |
Nolan, Mike | 17 | 30, 44 | City Manager Henley & Grange Council |
Nomenclature (choosing of names) | 4 | 25 to 29 | Local Street Names |
Nomenclature (chosing of names) | 13 | 37 to 38 | South Australian Nomenclature |
Nomenclature (chosing of names) | 18 | 29 to 33 | |
Norfolk Island Hibiscus (Lagunaria patersonia) | 39 | 60 to 63 | Image - Also commonly known as Pyramid tree |
Norfolk Island Pines | 35 | 80 | |
Norfolk Island Pines | 42 | Cover | Image - Avenues |
Norman, Greg | 40 | 59 | Image - 1976 Classic winner, Grange Golf Club |
Norrie, Sir Willoughby (Governor) | 37 | 45 to 47 | Image - Governor of SA 1944-52 |
Northcote & Northcote Home | 20 | 54 to 55 | Tennyson, Mothers & Babies Home, TB Home |
Northey Brothers | 3 | 16 | |
Northey Brothers | 14 | 18 | |
Northey Brothers | 24 | 4, 6 | Sea Range Estate Grange, house design |
Northey Brothers | 37 | 53 | Purchase of Beck house |
Northey, Albert (Mayor) | 7 | 29 | |
Northey, Albert (Mayor) | 20 | 43 | |
Northey, Daphne (Cluse) | 14 | 10 | Town Hall foundation stone |
Northey, Len | 3 | 16 | |
Northey, Len | 10 | 22 | |
Norton, Gwyneth (artist floral carpet) | 7 | 21 | |
Norton, Gwyneth (artist floral carpet) | 9 | 26 | |
Nottle, Trevor | 14 | 38 to 39 | Speaker - Old gardens |
O'Connell, Kevin | 30 | 40 | |
O'Grady, Elizabeth | 15 | 9 to 10 | |
O'Grady, Elizabeth | 23 | 29 | |
O'Grady, Elizabeth | 37 | 59 | |
O'Grady, Elizabeth | 42 | 3 | Image - Kindergarten 70 years |
O'Grady, Ossie | 24 | 39, 40 | |
O'Grady, Ossie | 29 | 44 to 45 | |
O'Grady, Pat | 20 | 32 | West Beach Lifesaving Club |
O'Loughlin, B. (Catholic Church Historian) | 13 | 27 | |
Odlum Family | 44 | 44 to 45 | |
Odlum Family | 44 | 44 to 45 | |
Odlum Family | 44 | 44 to 45 | |
Office Holders (H&GHS) | 40 | 10 | List of names (1979-2019) |
Oldham Family | 38 | 29 to 31 | Witnesses to 1962 storm |
Open Space Unit | 45 | 66-71 | image |
Ornithology | 2 | 31 to 32 | |
Ornithology | 12 | 37 to 41 | |
Ornithology | 19 | 29 | |
Osborn, Jack | 6 | 36 to 37 | Speaker - Banking in former times |
Ostermann, Chris | 15 | 40 | Speaker - Womens & Childrens Hospital |
Outlet, Torrens - See River Torrens Outlet | |||
Oval, Henley - See Henley Memorial Oval | |||
Over 50's Community Centre | 12 | 35 | |
Oxer Family | 4 | 18 | Floods |
Pandemics in Henley & Grange | 41 | 70 to 75 | Image - Diphtheria, Scarlet fever, Spanish flu |
Pank, Harold | 44 | 27 to 29 | |
Pank, Harold | 44 | 27 to 29 | |
Pank, Harold | 44 | 27 to 29 | Laubman and Pank |
Panorama (Henley Beach Foreshore) | 37 | 16 | Image - |
Parachutists | 42 | 41 to 43 | Image - Display at Grange Beach |
Parsons, Don | 29 | 44 to 45 | Image - Grange Sailing Club |
Patawalonga River | 16 | 44 | Image - 1935 |
Patterson, Ian & Lesley | 28 | 51 | Nautilus |
Paul, Don & Barbara | 39 | 71 | Printers |
Pavillion - See Jetty Pavillion | |||
Peek, T. & Mrs. (Baptist Church) | 14 | 9 to 10 | Baptist Church |
Pelicans, art installation | 41 | 82 | Image - |
Pengelly, Milton & Rachel | 18 | 15 | Penny Farthing Bike |
Perry, Dulcie | 15 | 16 to 18 | Speaker - Aspects of history research |
Peters, Carolyn (author) | 45 | 39, 42 | |
Phillips, Allen | 34 | 31 | Image - |
Photography, S.A. history of | 36 | 13, 32 to 36 | Speaker - Howard Speed |
Piccardi Salon | 44 | 55 | |
Piccardi Salon | 44 | 55 | |
Piccardi Salon | 44 | 55 | Hairdresser |
Picnics, Barossa District Schools | 9 | 28 | |
Picnics, Gasworks | 7 | 39 to 40 | |
Picnics, Grange Baptist Church | 16 | 16 | |
Picnics, H & G Corporation | 8 | 7 | |
Picnics, Holdens 1927 | 19 | 51 | |
Picnics, Market Gardeners | 13 | 5 to 6 | |
Picnics, Poor Children | 5 | 29 to 30 | |
Picnics, School | 5 | 35 | |
Picnics, Tramways | 6 | 5 | |
Picture Theatre | 35 | 22 | Early open air venue |
Picture Theatre (Town Hall) | 4 | 14 to 15, 31 to 32 | |
Picture Theatre (Town Hall) | 8 | 12 to 13, 19 | |
Picture Theatre (Town Hall) | 27 | 15 | Display of coming attractions |
Picture Theatre (Town Hall) | 28 | 43 | |
Picture Theatres (Adelaide) | 35 | 22 to 23 | Speaker - Dylan Walker, Silent Movies |
Pinnock, Darryl | 38 | 32 | Drowning |
Pioneer Women's Trail | 37 | 41 to 43 | |
Pitt, Robert | 40 | 15 to 17, 24 | Image - Speaker - Adelaide Cemeteries Authority |
Planning & Development | 7 | 32 to 36 | |
Planning & Development | 15 | 32 to 33 | |
Playford, Sir Thomas | 3 | 17 | |
Playford, Sir Thomas | 5 | 24 | |
Playford, Sir Thomas | 38 | 19 to 21 | ETSA Museum |
Playground | 8 | 33 | Yeomans Playground on beach |
Pole Sitters - Henley Carnival | 18 | 5 | |
Pole Sitters - Henley Carnival | 29 | 16 | |
Police | 20 | 8 to 11 | Image - History of Policing in the Henley & Grange area |
Police | 33 | 13 | Visit to S.A. Police Museum |
Police | 33 | 77 to 83 | Image - Constable Albert Kroemer |
Police Officers | 20 | 9 to 19 | |
Pontifex, Max (Magarey Medallist) | 4 | 11 | |
Pontifex, Max (Magarey Medallist) | 14 | 36 | |
Pool - See Henley Swimming Pool | |||
Port Adelaide Institute | 14 | 25 | |
Port River, development | 11 | 36 | Image - 1878 |
Port River, map | 16 | 44 | Image - 1935 |
Porter, Trevor | 40 | 37 to 39 | Image - Hindmarsh Historical Society |
Post Offices, Grange - See also Grange Post Office | 9 | 8 to 10 | Image - |
Post Offices, Henley | 23 | 40 | Second post office |
Post Offices, Henley - See also Henley Beach Post Office | 9 | 5 to 8 | Image - |
Postcards | 41 | 27 to 36 | Postcards in H&GHS Collection |
Potts, Bob | 20 | 8 to 10 | Speaker - History of Policing in Henley & Grange area |
Powell, Elizabeth (Novelist) | 6 | 40 to 42 | Novels - The Beehive & Sunset Hill |
Presgrave, Lieu. Col. David Cave | 35 | 66 to 67 | Image - |
Presgrave, Mrs. (Gymnastic Girls) | 4 | 21 to 22 | |
Presgrave, Mrs. (Gymnastic Girls) | 5 | 23 | |
Price, Doug & Ruth | 11 | 21 | Speaker - Grange Institute |
Price, Doug & Ruth | 27 | 28 to 35 | Life in Mombasa, Kenya |
Price, Doug & Ruth | 28 | 44 to 47 | Court Dressmaking |
Price, Thomas (Premier) & Mrs. | 3 | 33, 40 | |
Priestley, Major Phillip Henry | 36 | 37 to 45 | Image - |
Probus Club | 29 | 41 to 43 | |
Probus Club West Beach | 29 | 41 to 43 | |
Procession (Henley & Grange) | 18 | 15, 38 | |
Procession (Henley & Grange) | 34 | 13 | Mystery Photo |
Processions, 1920s -1986 | 45 | 55 | image |
Prowler on the Beach | 32 | 34 | |
Pumping Station (Henley Beach) | 32 | 49, 50 | Image - |
Queen Elizabeth Hospital | 3 | 11 to 12 | |
Radcliffe, Alec (Henley & Grange Band) | 8 | 18 | |
Ragless, Malcolm | 22 | 23 | Train accident |
Railway Stations - See Trains, or under name of station | |||
Railways (see also trains) | 18 | 41, 42 | |
Railways (see also trains) | 19 | 11 | Barwell Bull |
Railways (see also trains) | 23 | 23 | Private railway, Grange |
Railways (see also trains) | 24 | 27 | Repairs |
Railways (see also trains) | 27 | 13 | Platforms and stations |
Railways (see also trains) | 28 | 13 to 17 | Image - Anniversary Woodville to Grange |
Railways (see also trains) | 28 | 21 | |
Railways (see also trains) | 36 | 14 | Speaker - Military Road railway line |
Railways (see also trains) | 37 | 55 to 56 | Proposal 2016 |
Ralph, Glen | 1 | 2 | |
Ralph, Glen | 2 | 3 to 5, 20 to 25 | Speaker - Grange Institute |
Ralph, Glen | 14 | 42 | |
Ralph, Glen | 16 | 29 | Speaker - France |
Ralph, Glen | 37 | 13 to 15 | Meeting with Steve Spears |
Ralph, Glen | 39 | 36 to 39 | Image - Obituary |
Ramsay, Alec | 6 | 21 | Comment on Coat of Arms |
Ramsgate Hotel | 2 | Cover | Image - |
Ramsgate Hotel | 29 | 15 | SP Bookie |
Randall Family | 3 | 15 | |
Randall Family | 11 | 15 | |
Rankin Sisters (Basketball) | 12 | 21 to 22 | |
Rankin Sisters (Basketball) | 20 | 51 | |
Rankin, Merv (Hockey) | 2 | 11 | |
Rankin, Merv (Hockey) | 12 | 22 | |
Rankin, Merv (Hockey) | 20 | 51 to 52 | |
Rapson's (Shop) | 37 | 61 | |
Rationing | 12 | 16 | |
Rationing | 13 | 8 | |
Rationing | 14 | 13 | |
Rationing | 15 | 42 | |
Recreation Grounds - See Grange Recreation Grounds | |||
Red Cross | 10 | 10 | |
Red Cross | 14 | 15 | |
Red Cross | 15 | 43 | |
Red Cross - See also Junior Red Cross | |||
Red Cross (Grange) | 20 | 45 | |
Red Cross Homes | 43 | 24 | |
Reed, T.T. | 12 | 26 | Archbishop, former Rector St. Michaels & All Angels |
Reed, W.D. | 24 | 24 | Camping on beach |
Reedbeds | 1 | 14 | |
Reedbeds | 8 | 10 | |
Reedbeds | 11 | 39 | |
Reedbeds | 12 | 37 to 40 | |
Reedbeds | 18 | 16 | Silt |
Reedbeds | 18 | 45 | |
Reedbeds | 19 | 7 | |
Reedbeds | 19 | 29 | Fielders |
Reedbeds | 22 | 14 | History of coastal environment |
Reedbeds | 28 | 36 | |
Reedbeds | 38 | 10 to 12 | Early settlement |
Reedbeds Brewery | 30 | 33 | |
Reedbeds Cavalry | 18 | 9 | |
Reedbeds Cavalry | 45 | 51 | |
Reedbeds School | 29 | 17 | |
Reedie, John & Jane | 18 | 9 | |
Reedie, John & Jane | 28 | 32 | |
Reedie, John & Jane | 37 | 53 | Marriage Beck/Reedie |
Reid, C.E. Mrs. | 17 | 17 | |
Renfrey, Bill | 19 | 12 | |
Renfrey, Bill | 40 | 34 to 35 | Image - |
Renfrey, Mrs (teacher Grange P.S.) | 45 | 43 | |
Repatriation General Hospital | 33 | 4 to 5 | Society visit to Museum |
Reynolds, Carrol | 5 | 20 to 24 | Speaker - reminiscences |
Reynolds, Carrol | 5 | 25 | Hockey |
Rhodes Scholar (Ron Mitton) | 11 | 24 to 25 | |
Richardson, Barry (drowning) | 45 | 63 | |
Richardson, Mrs (teacher Grange P.S.) | 45 | 43 | |
Riddock, Tom | 17 | 17, 18 | |
Riding School - See Hollard, Reg | |||
Rifle Range (Reedbeds) | 3 | 33 | |
River Red Gum | 18 | 40 | |
River Red Gums | 44 | 24 to 25 | |
River Red Gums | 44 | 24 to 25 | |
River Red Gums | 44 | 24 to 25 | |
River Torrens | 5 | After 19 | Image - River Red Gum on banks, Fulham 1920's |
River Torrens - See also Floods | |||
River Torrens Outlet | 6 | 8 | |
River Torrens Outlet | 8 | 8 to 9 | |
River Torrens Outlet | 9 | 25 | |
River Torrens Outlet | 12 | 16 | |
River Torrens Outlet | 18 | 19 | |
River Torrens Outlet | 19 | 5 | Mr. Scuse |
River Torrens Outlet | 6 | 8 | |
River Torrens Outlet | 8 | 8 to 9 | |
River Torrens Outlet | 9 | 25 | |
River Torrens Outlet | 12 | 16 | |
River Torrens Outlet | 21 | 30 | |
River Torrens Outlet - See also Breakout Creek | |||
Road Guides - See also maps | 12 | 10 to 13 | See also maps |
Roads | 7 | 17 to 18 | |
Roads | 8 | 17 | |
Roads | 9 | 28 | |
Roads | 12 | 10 to 13 | |
Roads | 13 | 25, 30 | |
Roads | 24 | 27 to 28 | Council minutes 1903 |
Roads - See also maps | 3 | 25 to 26 | See also maps |
Robe Agricultural Show medal | 34 | 15 | |
Rogers, Dr. John | 43 | 25 | Medical practitioner at Henley & Grange |
Rohde, E. | 17 | 18 | |
Rotafest Exhibition | 1 | 7 | |
Rotary Club | 5 | 40 | |
Rowell Family | 3 | 40 | |
Rowell Family | 15 | 27, 30, 31 | |
Royal Agricultural & Horticultural Society | 33 | 11 to 12 | Society visit to RAHS Archives |
Royal District Nursing Society | 11 | 22 to 23 | |
RSL | 17 | 48 to 51 | |
RSL | 29 | 36 to 40 | Private W.R. Marshall |
RSL Victory Carnival 1946 | 17 | 11 | |
Rural Heritage | 12 | 28 | |
Rutter, Max | 30 | 40 | |
Ryan, Mary and John | 44 | 45 | |
Ryan, Mary and John | 44 | 45 | |
Ryan, Mary and John | 44 | 45 | Poisoning |
Rymill, W.S. | 17 | 14, 15 | |
S.A. Sea Rescue Squadron | 31 | 14 to 15 | Image - |
Sadlier Sisters | 38 | 34 | The Marines residents |
Sailing | 10 | 10, 29 to 30 | |
Sailing | 29 | 44 to 45 | Sharpies |
Saltbush Bill - See Gray, Bruce | |||
Sambell, Linda | 39 | 22 to 23 | |
Sand Carting | 17 | 29 | |
Sand Castles | 9 | 21 | |
Sandhills (Flora) | 15 | 6 | |
SARDI (SA Research & Development Institute) | 45 | 35 | |
Scarfe, Fred | 38 | 61 to 65 | |
Scarfe, Thomas R. | 9 | 8, 31 | |
Scarfe, Thomas R. | 11 | 31 | |
Scarfe, Thomas R. | 14 | 16 to 18, 39 | |
Scarfe, Thomas R. | 24 | 28 | Sand removal 1903 |
Schools | 19 | 32 | C. Fielder reminiscences |
Schools | 19 | 40 | M. Clode reminiscences |
Schools | 29 | 17 to 18 | Timeline |
Schools | 38 | 57 | Seaview Girls School |
Schools - See under name of school | |||
Schools Patriotic Fund | 12 | 17 to 19 | |
Scott, Phillip (speaker) | 45 | 7 | |
Scott, Walter C. | 31 | 10 | of Tolley, Scott & Tolley |
Scouts | 9 | 28 | |
Scouts | 28 | 5 to 6 | Image - |
Scouts | 29 | 19 | |
Scouts | 30 | 53 to 55 | Archives on Reedie Street |
Scouts | 31 | 51 to 52 | Easter Camp 1946 |
Scouts | 34 | 49 to 58 | Henley Beach Sea Scouts |
Scouts | 35 | 12 | 1951 Jamboree |
Scrimgeour, Gavin | 44 | 8 | |
Scrimgeour, Gavin | 44 | 8 | |
Scrimgeour, Gavin | 44 | 8 | Speaker - WW1 Camp at Mitcham |
Sea Mist (Boat) | 34 | 54 | Image - 1st Henley Sea Scout Boat |
Sea Range Estate, Grange | 24 | 4 to 5 | House design and street layout |
Seagrass | 14 | 40 to 41 | |
Searle, E.C. & Son (Master Builder) | 24 | 7 | Design of house, Sea Range Estate Grange |
Seaside Tennis Club | 20 | 44 | |
Seaside Tennis Club | 31 | 26 to 28 | Image - |
Seaview Girls School | 38 | 57 | Run by Miss Gellert |
Seaweed | 12 | 16 | |
Sentimental Bloke | 42 | 16 | Image - Silent movie showing Henley Beach in 1919 |
Sesquicentenary (S.A. 150th celebrations) | 17 | 41 | Swim Club |
Sewerage | 40 | 75 | |
Seymour, Colin | 44 | 7 | |
Seymour, Colin | 44 | 7 | |
Seymour, Colin | 44 | 7 | Speaker - Trams |
Shacks | 39 | 74 to 75 | |
Shacks (Beach) | 5 | 32 | |
Shacks (Beach) | 6 | 5 | |
Shacks (Beach) | 16 | 32 to 33 | |
Shacks (Beach) | 21 | 30 | Storm |
Shacks (Beach) | 26 | 34 | West Beach shacks |
Shandon Drive-In and Hotel | 33 | 14 to 25 | Image - |
Sharks | 9 | 13 | |
Sharks | 14 | 43 | |
Sharks | 17 | 40 | Spotter plane |
Sharks | 19 | 7 | Exhibition of Shark |
Sharks | 32 | 35 to 36 | |
Sharp, Ray (Carrier) | 8 | 27 to 28 | |
Sharpies | 29 | 44, 45 | Image - |
Shean, T.S. Ltd. (Master Builder) | 24 | 4 | |
Shearing Terracotta Trophy | 42 | 62 to 65 | |
Shearing, James | 15 | 21 to 22 | |
Shearing, James | 35 | 45 to 41 | Image - Tinsmith Congregational Church |
Shearing, James | 39 | 60 | |
Shearing, James | 42 | 62 to 64 | Image - Home on Seaview Road |
Shepherd, Dr. S. (Marine Biologist) | 14 | 40 to 41 | Speaker - Seagrass in the Gulf |
Shops | 19 | 32 | C. Fielder reminiscences |
Shops | 22 | 41 to 44 | Image - On south west corner of Henley Square |
Shops | 24 | 35 | The Corner Store |
Shops | 24 | 36 to 37 | Noel Newcombe's corner store |
Shops | 27 | 17 to 18 | List of shop owners |
Shops | 27 | 26 to 27 | South Henley Hardware |
Shops | 28 | 43 | |
Shops | 33 | 53 to 58 | Image - Henley Gift Shop, Knapsteins proprietors |
Shops | 34 | 46 to 48 | Image - South Henley Shopping Centre |
Shops | 38 | 37 to 38, 41 | Kirkcaldy Shops |
Shops | 38 | 56 to 57 | Henley Square |
Shops | 38 | 28 | Morrie Chenowith's Deli |
Shops | 38 | 28 | Lawrie Vale's Grocery |
Shops | 37 | 62 | Jaggards Greengrocers |
Shops | 37 | 61 | Rapson's |
Shops | 37 | 61 | Jack's Chicken Shop |
Shops | 27 | 8 | Miss Naylor |
Shops | 27 | 18 | Joe Starrs |
Shops | 22 | 23 | Darby Tostevin |
Shops | 28 | 18 | Lawrie Vale |
Shops | 38 | 28 | Lawrie Vale |
Shops | 15 | 16 | Whibley & Ferrier Drapers |
Shops | 4 | 30 | Whibley & Ferrier Drapers |
Shops | 27 | 18 | Mr & Mrs Wilson |
Shops | 39 | 65 to 73 | Image - Fry's Henley South Butcher |
Shops (Grange) | 40 | 62 to 65 | |
Show & Tell | 29 | 19 to 22 | Image - |
Show & Tell | 39 | 15 to 23 | Image - |
Show & Tell | 39 | 15 to 29 | Various objects |
Sideshows | 27 | 17 | |
Sideshows | 29 | 12 | Storms |
Sideshows | 40 | 33, 73 to 74 | |
Simmonds, Reuben | 45 | 50 | |
Simons, John | 3 | 4 | Speaker - River Torrens Linear Park |
Sinclair, James (Mayor) | 2 | 26, 29 | |
Sinclair, James (Mayor) | 4 | 5 to 6 | |
Sinclair, James (Mayor) | 7 | 27, 31 | |
Sinclair, James (Mayor) | 16 | 33 | |
Sinclair, Jean (Singer) | 4 | 6 | |
Sinclair, Nell (Hockey) | 2 | 8, 11 | |
Sinclair, Nell (Hockey) | 4 | 6 | |
Sisters of Mercy | 40 | 11 to 13 | |
Skating Rink (Roller skating) | 4 | 15 | |
Skuse (Syd, Joyce, Hazel, Shirley, Fay) | 19 | 6 to 7 | |
Skylark (aircraft 1925) | 19 | 55 to 56 | |
Smith & Timms | 15 | 24 to 31 | Contractors, Tram viaduct |
Smith, Colin B. | 12 | 7 | |
Smith, Colin B. | 16 | 12 | Diary |
Smith, Colin B. | 42 | 51 | Image - |
Smith, John | 16 | 11 to 12 | Diarist |
Smith, John | 17 | 29 | |
Smith, John | 18 | 9 | |
Smith, Rev. Phillip | 12 | 31 | St. Agnes Church, Lone Anzac Marcher |
Smith, W.F.E. (aviator Skylark) | 19 | 55 to 56 | Story of speed contest Henley Beach |
Snake Man - See Murray, Joseph | |||
Snakes | 4 | 15 to 16 | |
Snakes | 9 | 8 | |
Snakes | 16 | 23 to 24 | Image - Sketch, Death Adder |
Social Welfare Problems | 21 | 16 | Newspaper articles 1950 |
Society Visit | 40 | 24 to 25 | Image - Visit to West Terrace Cemetery |
Soldier's Memorial | 43 | 55 | Image - Plans |
Soldiers Memorial | 31 | 45 | |
Soldiers Memorial | 32 | 9 to 12 | Image - |
Soldiers Memorial | 13 | 10 to 11 | |
Soldiers Memorial | 39 | 13 to 14, 15 to 16 | |
Soldiers Memorial - See also Town Hall | 17 | 32, 35, 36 | Image - |
Souter, Paul & Margaret | 2 | 6 | Oral history |
South Henley Hardware Store | 27 | 26 to 27 | Image - |
South, Lieu. Albert Carl | 35 | 52 to 55 | Image - |
Spears, Steve J. | 37 | 13 to 15 | |
Speed, Howard | 39 | 7 to 8 | Speaker (opening bridges at Port Adelaide) |
Spence, John Brodie | 18 | 43, 44 | |
Square Boys | 40 | 33 | |
St Agnes Anglican Church, Grange | 45 | 39 | image |
St Agnes Church | 42 | 52 to 54 | Memorial windows, books, plaques |
St Bernadette's Catholic School | 44 | 63 | |
St Bernadette's Catholic School | 44 | 63 | |
St Bernadette's Catholic School | 44 | 63 | |
St Lukes Anglican Church, Whitmore Sq. Adelaide | 45 | 36 | image |
St Michael & All Angels | 42 | 55 | Image - Memorial panels |
St Michaels & All Angels Anglican Church | 43 | 3 | Image - Centenary |
St. Agnes Church | 6 | 13 | |
St. Agnes Church | 11 | 21, 31 | |
St. Agnes Church | 14 | 35 | |
St. Agnes Church | 18 | 9 | |
St. Agnes Church | 20 | 39 | |
St. Agnes Church | 23 | 23 to 28 | |
St. Clavers Hospital | 3 | 16 | Jetty Street, Grange |
St. Clavers Hospital | 11 | 32 | |
St. John Ambulance | 8 | 19 | |
St. Lawrence's Home | 3 | 16 | |
St. Lawrence's Home | 11 | 32 | |
St. Michael & All Angels Church | 12 | 26 | |
St. Michael's College | 29 | 18 | |
St. Vincent de Paul Society | 10 | 4 | |
Stafford, Malcolm | 29 | 11 to 16 | |
Stafford, Malcolm | 43 | 30 to 34 | Image - See also - Henley Café |
Stafford, Roly (Milkman) | 19 | 33 | |
Stagg, Helen | 39 | 9 to 12 | Image - Speaker (life on the Murray River locks) |
Stained Glass Windows | 17 | 32, 34 | Soldiers Memorial |
Stained Glass Windows | 18 | 9 | St. Agnes Church |
Stanford, Alfred | 17 | 14, 16 | Henley Beach Golf Club |
Stanford, Alfred | 18 | 17 | |
Stanley, Michael | 39 | 18, 33 to 35 | Speaker, Grange Cricket Club |
Stanley, Michael | 39 | 18 | Image - Co-author "From Saltbush to Surf" |
Star of the Sea Convent | 22 | 27 to 39 | Image - |
Star of the Sea Convent | 27 | 14 | |
Star of the Sea Convent | 40 | 11 to 13, 75 | Image - |
Star of the Sea School | 29 | 17 | |
Starling, Malcolm (artist) | 10 | 20 to 21 | |
Starling, Malcolm (artist) | 11 | 33 | |
Starrs, Joe | 27 | 18 | Shop |
Steeles, Ayneslie (nee Dawson) | 45 | 13, 19-29 | image |
Steeles, Vic | 34 | 61 to 66 | Image - |
Steeles, William (signwriter) | 45 | 20 | |
Steeplechase and hounds | 12 | 23 to 24 | |
Steeplechase and hounds | 19 | 52 | |
Stella Restaurant | 45 | 10 | image |
Stephens, Eric | 44 | 12 to 15 | Image |
Stephens, Eric | 44 | 12 to 15 | Image |
Stephens, Eric | 44 | 12 to 15 | Image - |
Stephens, Frank | 44 | 12 to 15 | Image |
Stephens, Frank | 44 | 12 to 15 | Image |
Stephens, Frank | 44 | 12 to 15 | Image - |
Stereoscopic Viewer | 34 | 18 | |
Stobie, Cyril (Inventor) | 4 | 22 | |
Stobie, Cyril (Inventor) | 17 | 15 | |
Stobie, Cyril (Inventor) | 20 | 5 to 7 | Photo |
Stobie, Cyril (resident inventor) | 45 | 72 | image |
Storms (1910, 1915, 1917) | 16 | 31 to 33 | |
Storms (1942) | 13 | 11 | |
Storms (1943) | 14 | 14 | |
Storms (1945) | 16 | 47 | |
Storms (1948) | 29 | 11, 12 | |
Storms (1948) | 17 | 41 | Swim Club Rooms |
Storms (1948) | 29 | 11 to 12 | |
Storms (1953) | 1 | 16 | |
Storms (1953) | 3 | 17 to 18, 24 to 25 | |
Storms (1953) | 19 | 32, 33 | |
Storms (1953) | 25 | 32 to 34 | Image - |
Storms (1953) | 29 | 11 to 12 | |
Storms (1962) | 38 | 29 to 31 | |
Storms (1970) | 21 | 34 | |
Storr, Jack | 9 | 19 | |
Storr, Jack | 10 | 32 to 33 | Reminiscences |
Strapps, William | 27 | 4 to 6 | Image - |
Strapps, William | 28 | 18 to 23 | Image - |
Street Lighting - See Lighting | |||
Street Names | 4 | 25 to 29 | 100 street name origins |
Street Names (City of Adelaide) | 38 | 15 to 18 | Dr. Jeff Nicholas |
Sturt House | 1 | 9, 14 | |
Sturt House | 5 | 34 | |
Sturt House | 11 | 5 to 8, 30 | |
Sturt House | 13 | 38 | |
Sturt House | 17 | 8 | |
Sturt House | 20 | 38 | |
Sturt House | 24 | 4 | |
Sturt House | 25 | 24 to 27 | Gardener's story |
Sturt House | 26 | 29 to 34 | George Davenport |
Sturt-Bray, David | 6 | 21 | |
Sturt, Charles | 1 | 9 | |
Sturt, Charles | 5 | 36 | |
Sturt, Charles | 6 | 20 to 22 | Coat of Arms |
Sturt, Charles | 11 | 38, 40 to 41 | |
Sturt, Charles | 13 | 32 to 34 | |
Sturt, Charles | 14 | 41 | |
Sturt, Charles | 15 | 38 | |
Sturt, Charles | 30 | 43 to 50 | Image - |
Sturt, Charles | 35 | 33 | Image - |
Sturt, Charlotte (Daughter) | 8 | 21 to 23 | |
Sturt, Evelyn Pitfield Shirley (Brother) | 26 | 15 to 19 | Image - Brother of Charles Sturt |
Sturt, Lady Charlotte (Wife) | 11 | 23, 38 | |
Subdivisions | 11 | 34 | |
Subdivisions | 13 | 24 | |
Subdivisions | 20 | 38 | |
Sunday Mail | 33 | 26 to 28 | First edition |
Sunny South (yachting tragedy) | 5 | 21 | |
Surf Life Saving - See Henley Lifesaving Club) | |||
Sven Kallins Talent Quest | 43 | 31 | Image - See also - Kallin, Sven |
Swan, Rev (St Agnes Church) | 45 | 25 | |
Swan, Rev. Warren | 23 | 28 | St. Agnes Church |
Swimming | 5 | 15, 21, 28, 33 | |
Swimming | 6 | 30 | |
Swimming | 8 | 6, 9 | |
Swimming | 9 | 22 to 23 | |
Swimming | 11 | 10, 13 | |
Swimming | 12 | 9 | |
Swimming | 14 | 11 to 12 | |
Swimming | 15 | 13 to 18 | |
Swimming | 16 | 12 | |
Swimming | 17 | 40 | Open water swim |
Swimming | 17 | 41 | Winners list |
Swimming | 19 | 32 | C. Fielder reminiscences |
Swimming | 20 | 5 | J.C. Stobie |
Swimming | 21 | 28 | |
Swimming | 29 | 46 to 49, 52 to 53 | |
Swimming | 31 | 57 to 60 | Image - First long swim |
Swimming | 34 | 37 to 38 | 100 Years of H & G Swimming Club |
Swimming | 34 | 59 | Swimming areas at Grange |
Swimming | 35 | 18 | Image - Mystery cup |
Swimming | 37 | 6 | |
Swimming Club - See Henley & Grange Swimming Club | |||
Swimming Pool - See Henley Swimming Pool | |||
Symes, Kathleen | 39 | 47 to 49 | Image - Previously Mrs de Crespigny |
Symon, Sir Josiah | 20 | 54 | Suburb of Northcote |
Symonds, Mr. J. | 24 | 4 | Treasurer, Progress Association |
Szczygielski, Andrzej & Wanda | 38 | 65 to 70 | Tarra Karrong |
Taj Mahal (Floral Float) | 4 | 11 to 13 | Image - 1936 Centenery |
Taj Mahal (Floral Float) | 7 | 18 | Image - |
Taj Mahal (Floral Float) | 31 | 20 to 21 | |
Talbot, Anne | 40 | 62 to 65 | Image - Hairdresser, Grange |
Talent Quest - See also Sven Kallin | 9 | 12 to 13 | First appearance of Kamahl |
Talent Quest - See also Sven Kallin | 29 | 16 | |
Tarra Karrong | 38 | 58 to 70 | House |
Telephone Services | 7 | 37 to 38 | |
Telephone Services | 13 | 19 | |
Telephone Services | 24 | 30 | Eastern Extension Telephone Company |
Telling the Stories of Henley & Grange | 31 | 5 to 6 | Image - Book launch |
Temple Church | 45 | 10 | image |
Temple Uniting Church | 21 | 19 to 21 | Image - |
Tennyson Development | 18 | 43 | |
Tennyson Development | 34 | 39, 41 | |
Thompson, Lance (yachting rescue) | 7 | 26 | |
Thomson-Campbell, J. (inventor) | 9 | 20 to 21 | |
Threadgold, Wal | 44 | 49 | |
Threadgold, Wal | 44 | 49 | |
Threadgold, Wal | 44 | 49 | Barber |
Toc-H | 9 | 28 | |
Todd, Sir Charles (wireless telegraphy) | 9 | 39 | |
Tomato Growers | 17 | 5 | Bulgarian growers |
Tomato Growers | 17 | 6, 7, 10 | Land sales, expansion, fumigation |
Tomato Growers | 22 | 16 | |
Tomato Growers | 37 | 49 | |
Toombs (Miss) Private School | 29 | 17 | |
Torrens Outlet - See River Torrens Outlet | |||
Tostevin, Darby | 22 | 23 | Store owner |
Tours by Historical Society | 26 | 4 to 5 | Adelaide Treasury Building |
Tours by Historical Society | 26 | 24 to 28 | Adelaide Town Hall |
Tours by Historical Society | 33 | 4 to 5 | Repatriation Hospital Museum |
Tours by Historical Society | 34 | 10 to 11 | Vili's Bakery |
Tours by Historical Society | 38 | 19 to 21 | ETSA Museum |
Tours by Historical Society | 37 | 24 to 27 | Army Museum of SA |
Tours by Historical Society | 37 | 8 to 9 | Archie Badenoch |
Town Clerks | 4 | 13 | List of |
Town Hall - See Henley Town Hall | |||
Town Planning | 7 | 32 to 36 | |
Trains | 2 | 15 | |
Trains | 3 | 22 to 24 | |
Trains | 4 | 10, 30 | |
Trains | 5 | 22 | |
Trains | 6 | 33 to 35 | |
Trains | 8 | 20 | |
Trains | 9 | 17, 35 | |
Trains | 11 | Cover, 29 | Image - Old Kirkcaldy Station |
Trains | 12 | Cover, 7 to 8 | Image - Old Grange Station |
Trains | 12 | 12, 18 | Image - Old Mile End level crossing |
Trains | 13 | Cover | Image - F252 steam engine, Military Road, Henley Beach 1956 |
Trains | 13 | 13 to 18 | Image - Steam Motor, Woodvlle-Grange-Henley Line |
Trains | 16 | 14 to 15 | |
Trains | 18 | 13, 41 to 42 | |
Trains | 20 | 28, 39 | Going to beach |
Trains | 20 | 52 | Cows on line 1884 |
Trains | 21 | 23 to 28, 29 | Grange Railway |
Trains | 22 | 42 | Henley trains |
Trains | 31 | 22 to 25 | Railway crossings |
Trains | 35 | 43 to 44 | Image - Trackless |
Trains | 40 | 41 | |
Trains | 44 | 30 to 34 | |
Trains | 44 | 30 to 34 | |
Trains | 44 | 30 to 34 | Henley Beach/Grange Railway line |
Trams | 19 | 18, 30, 31, 35 | |
Trams | 20 | 28, 29, 39 | Going to the beach |
Trams | 21 | 26 | Grange railway |
Trams | 22 | 42 | |
Trams | 24 | 30 | |
Trams | 27 | 26 | |
Trams | 44 | 33 to 34 | |
Trams | 44 | 33 to 34 | |
Trams | 44 | 33 to 34 | Derailment |
Trams (Electric) | 3 | 22 | |
Trams (Electric) | 5 | 35 | |
#VALUE! | 7 | Cover, 14, 17 | Image - Henley Beach c1950 |
Trams (Electric) | 8 | 31 to 32, 34 to 35 | |
Trams (Electric) | 9 | 34 | |
Trams (Electric) | 12 | 8 | |
Trams (Electric) | 15 | 24 to 21 | |
Trams (Electric) | 37 | 6 | |
Trams (Horse Drawn) | 3 | 33 to 34, 37 to 38, 40 | |
Trams (Horse Drawn) | 8 | 31 to 32 | |
Trams (Horse Drawn) | 11 | 28 to 29 | |
Trams (Horse Drawn) | 13 | 13 to 14 | |
Trams (Horse Drawn) | 15 | 19 to 20, 22, 24 to 31 | |
Trams (Horse Drawn) | 18 | 45 | |
Trams (Horse Drawn) | 37 | 5 | |
Trees | 24 | 31 | Council minutes 1903 |
Trees | 35 | 20 to 21 | Image - |
Trench Comforts Fund | 39 | 56 to 59 | Image - Fundraising for 3rd Light Horse at Henley Beach Kiosk |
Triggs, Dorothy | 5 | 13 | Records of Henley Beach Primary School |
Triggs, Dorothy | 19 | 43 | |
Triggs, Dorothy | 27 | 19 to 20 | Childhood garden |
Trotting | 3 | 12 | |
Trotting | 4 | 8 | |
Trotting Trainers Assoc - See H&G Trotting Trainers Assoc. | |||
Truran Earthmovers | 23 | 9 | |
Truran Earthmovers | 24 | 4 | Sea Range Estate, Grange |
Tuck, Allan Playford (headmaster Grange P.S.) | 45 | 43, 44 | |
Tucker, R.E. (Acting Town Clerk) | 14 | 13 | |
Twist, Shirley | 21 | 18 to 19 | Image - |
Tyre Reef (Grange) | 30 | 51 to 52 | |
Urrbrae House | 39 | 24 to 26 | Image - Visit by Society Members |
Vailankanni (home) | 40 | 45 | Image - |
Vale, Laurie | 28 | 18 | Shop |
Vale, Lawrie | 38 | 28 | Delicatessen |
Vasileff, Mick | 17 | 5 to 10 | Tomato growers |
Vawser Family | 37 | 62 | |
Vawser, Eric | 9 | 35 to 38 | Reminiscences |
Vawser, R.D. | 29 | 50 | Grange Uniting Church |
Veale, Mr. & Mrs. | 29 | 50 | |
Venetian Night | 4 | 21 | Henley Carnival |
Ventnor Guest House | 27 | 51 | Advertisement |
Ventnor Guest House | 41 | 30 to 31 | Image - |
Viaduct | 1 | 12 | |
Viaduct | 3 | 40 | |
Viaduct | 5 | 22 | |
Viaduct | 8 | 34 to 36 | |
Viaduct | 15 | 24 to 31 | |
Viaduct | 19 | 31 | |
Vickers Vimy | 40 | 22 to 23 | Image - Speaker & author - Lainie Anderson "Long Flight Home" |
Vietnam | 15 | 40 | |
Vili's Bakery | 34 | 10 to 11 | Society visit |
Viney, Lillian (first Grange kindergarten director) | 45 | 39 | |
Virtual War Memorial Australia | 42 | 14 to 15 | Image - Speaker - David Rafferty |
Voce, Douglas | 42 | 41 | Memories of Grange |
Volunteer Rifles | 16 | 17 | |
Waldeck's Haberdashery | 40 | 64 | |
Walkley, H.N. (First Town Clerk) | 2 | 28 | |
Walkley, Joyce | 7 | 20 to 22 | Speaker - Reminiscences |
Walkley, Joyce | 11 | 16 to 17, 21 | |
Walkley, Joyce | 42 | 53 | Image - Book of Remembrance |
Wallman, Neill | 7 | 32 to 36 | Speaker - Planning Procedures |
Walters, Mr (teacher Grange P.S.) | 45 | 43 | |
War Memorial - See Soldiers Memorial | |||
Wartime | 5 | 10 | |
Wartime | 6 | 11 to 12 | |
Wartime | 10 | 10 | |
Wartime | 11 | 9 to 10, 16 | |
Wartime | 12 | 14, 15, 17 | |
Wartime | 13 | 7 to 10, 11, 12 | |
Wartime | 14 | 15 | |
Wartime | 15 | 44 | |
Wartime | 16 | 25 to 27, 30, 46 | |
Wartime | 19 | 41 to 43 | J. Cassidy |
Wartime | 19 | 48 | The Barcoo |
Wartime | 28 | 12 | Image - Slit trench on beach |
Wartime | 34 | 22 to 23 | Crimean and 2nd Afghan |
Wartime | 37 | 15 to 16 | Bombing of Darwin |
Waterforde Flats | 41 | 33 to 34 | Image - |
Watson, Mrs Annie (infant school teacher, Grange P.S. | 45 | 43 | |
Wattle Day League | 17 | 46, 49 | |
Waugh, Barbara | 20 | 22 to 23 | Reminiscences |
Website (H & G Historical Society) | 21 | 5 | |
Weetunga | 33 | 7, 9 to 10 | Image - |
Weetunga | 33 | 30 | Garden |
Weetunga | 33 | 68 to 69, 72 to 73 | Use as scout camp |
Weetunga (White residence) | 24 | 17 to 22 | Image - |
Weinert, Jack | 24 | 40 to 41 | Image - |
Welcome Social (Returned Service Personnel) | 16 | 48 | |
Wellington, Ross | 9 | 7 to 8 | Reminiscences, Post Office |
Wells (water) | 12 | 27 to 28 | |
Wells, Dr. | 3 | 21 | Early West Beach residences |
Wells, Dr. | 21 | 30 | House |
Wesley Methodist Church | 41 | 37, 48 to 50 | Image - See also - Henley Beach Methodist Church |
West Beach | 3 | 21 to 22 | |
West Beach | 6 | 29 | |
West Beach | 11 | 8 | |
West Beach | 19 | 23 to 24 | Settlement |
West Beach | 19 | 36 to 37 | Beginnings and to 1969, Land sale advertisement |
West Beach | 44 | 57 | |
West Beach | 44 | 57 | |
West Beach | 44 | 57 | Early settlement |
West Beach Baptist Church | 44 | 68 | |
West Beach Baptist Church | 44 | 68 | |
West Beach Baptist Church | 44 | 68 | |
West Beach Golden Fleece Service Station | 44 | 67 | |
West Beach Golden Fleece Service Station | 44 | 67 | |
West Beach Golden Fleece Service Station | 44 | 67 | West Beach |
West Beach Kindergarten | 44 | 64 | |
West Beach Kindergarten | 44 | 64 | |
West Beach Kindergarten | 44 | 64 | |
West Beach Land | 17 | 17 | Preparation for sale |
West Beach Land | 19 | 23 to 24, 36 to 37 | |
West Beach Primary School | 29 | 18 | |
West Beach Primary School | 44 | 65 | |
West Beach Primary School | 44 | 65 | |
West Beach Primary School | 44 | 65 | |
West Beach Ratepayers Association | 44 | 63, 67 | |
West Beach Ratepayers Association | 44 | 63, 67 | |
West Beach Ratepayers Association | 44 | 63, 67 | |
West Beach Reserve | 25 | 28 to 33 | History of development |
West Beach Surf Lifesaving Club | 20 | 31 | |
West Beach Surf Lifesaving Club | 44 | 66, 68 to 69 | Image |
West Beach Surf Lifesaving Club | 44 | 66, 68 to 69 | Image |
West Beach Surf Lifesaving Club | 44 | 66, 68 to 69 | Image - |
West Beach Trust | 45 | 33 | |
West Lakes | 13 | 36 | |
West Lakes | 36 | 57 to 64 | Image - History of |
West Lakes | 38 | 7 to 9 | |
West Lakes Classic | 40 | 58 to 59 | Golf tournament |
West Terrace Cemetery | 40 | 24 to 25 | Image - |
West Torrens | 11 | 21 | Pictorial History |
Western Adelaide Coastal Residents Association (WACRA) | 45 | 17 | |
Western Community Hospital | 43 | 27 to 29 | Image - Architecture. See also - Hospital (Western Community) |
Western Region Heritage | 3 | 4 | |
Whale | 10 | 38 | |
Whibley & Ferrier (Drapers) | 4 | 30 | |
Whibley & Ferrier (Drapers) | 15 | 16 | |
White Family | 12 | 37 to 41 | |
White Family | 38 | 10 | |
White Residence - See Weetunga | |||
White, Capt. S.A. | 2 | 30 to 33 | |
White, Capt. S.A. | 12 | 37 | |
White, Capt. S.A. | 14 | 19,33 | |
White, Capt. S.A. | 15 | 5 to 6, 26 | |
White, Capt. S.A. | 33 | 7 to 9 | Image - |
White, Capt. S.A. | 33 | 67 | Image - Scout Commissioner |
White, Charles | 5 | After 19 | Image - Charles White house 'The Oaks' |
White, Ethel | 33 | 22 to 39 | Image - |
White, G.G. | 15 | 24 | |
White, John | 1 | 10 | |
White, John | 3 | 31 | |
White, John | 33 | 6 | |
White, John | 44 | 58 | |
White, John | 44 | 58 | |
White, John | 44 | 58 | |
White, John | 45 | 48 | |
White, Muriel | 2 | 5 | |
White, Muriel | 6 | 31 | |
White, Muriel | 12 | 28 | |
White, Samuel | 1 | 10 to 11 | |
White, Samuel | 6 | 17 | |
White, Samuel | 12 | 37 | |
White, Samuel | 33 | 7 | |
White, William | 4 | 17, 23 to 24 | |
White, William | 18 | 16 to 18, 47 | |
White, William | 19 | 7 | |
White, William | 23 | 15 | |
White, William | 24 | 17 | Image - Weetunga |
White, William | 25 | 26 | |
White, William | 28 | 36 to 39 | Fulham Church |
Whiteford, Dean (Mayor) | 7 | 30 | |
Whiteford, Dean (Mayor) | 21 | 34 | Commemorative stone |
Whitehorn, Tim | 29 | 15 | SP Bookie |
Wilkinson & Co. | 15 | 14 to 15 | Gift of bathing houses |
Williams, Allan | 39 | 19 | Image - Carpentry tools |
Williams, Mrs (teacher Grange P.S.) | 45 | 43 | |
Willoughby, Audrey | 7 | 19 | Interviewer |
Willoughby, Audrey | 40 | 4 | Journal 1979-2019, editor & original typist |
Willoughby, Audrey | 41 | 14 to 15 | Image - Retiring editor of H&GHS Journal |
Willoughby, George | 2 | 8 to 12 | Speaker - Grange Hockey Club, the beginnings |
Willoughby, George | 7 | 19 | Interviewer |
Willoughby, George | 16 | 25 to 26 | Speaker - Experiences in the Navy, WWII |
Willoughby, George | 19 | 9 | Recipient of OAM |
Willoughby, George | 19 | 25 | |
Willoughby, George | 19 | 48 to 49 | The Barcoo |
Willoughby, George | 27 | 23 | Childhood garden |
Willoughby, George | 29 | 4 to 6 | Image - Obituary |
Willoughby, George | 37 | 64 | Image - Family home |
Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. | 27 | 18 | Shop |
Wilson, Patrick | 6 | 25 to 28 | History of Grange Institute |
Wilson, Patrick | 19 | 50 | Reminiscences |
Winwood, W.W. (Town Clerk) | 4 | 13 | |
Winwood, W.W. (Town Clerk) | 5 | 32 to 33 | |
Wireless Telegraphy | 9 | 39 to 40 | |
Witoinga | 2 | 17 to 19 | Reedbeds area, aboriginal name |
Women's & Children's Hospital | 15 | 40 to 41 | |
Women's Suffrage | 16 | 28 | |
Women's Suffrage | 34 | 18 | Image - |
Women's Suffrage | 36 | 16 to 17 | Image - Speaker - Muriel Matters by Frances Bedford |
Woodside, John | 39 | 30 to 32 | Speaker (John Monash) |
Woodville Council | 15 | 14 to 17 | |
World War I | 31 | 42 | |
World War I | 34 | 21 | Diaries |
World War I - See also Wartime | 29 | 36 | |
World War II | 27 | 7 to 8, 53 to 56 | |
World War II | 32 | 13 to 21, 52 | |
World War II | 37 | 15 to 16 | Bombing of Darwin |
World War II - See also Wartime | 27 | 52 | Slit trench on beach |
Worrall, John | 6 | 10 to 14 | Speaker - Reminiscences |
Worrall, John | 12 | 32 | |
Worrall, John | 15 | 12 | |
Worrall, John | 31 | 48 | |
Wright, A.C. Mounted Constable (first Henley Beach policeman) | 45 | 51 | |
Wright, G.S. | 35 | 37, 47 | Image - |
Wright, George S. (Mayor) | 7 | 27 | |
Wright, George S. (Mayor) | 12 | 36 | |
Wright, George S. (Mayor) | 14 | 24 | |
Wright, George S. (Mayor) | 18 | 17 | |
Wright, Mounted Constable | 31 | 10 | |
Wyld, Peter | 32 | 5 to 7 | Image - Obituary |
Yachting | 1 | 16 | |
Yachting | 8 | 18 | |
Yachting | 10 | 10, 29 to 30 | |
Yachting | 12 | 34 | |
Yachting | 13 | 7 | |
Yeomans Playground | 8 | 33 | |
Yeomans Playground | 45 | 62 | image |
Yeomans, C. | 44 | 42, 46 | Image - Playground gates at Henley Beach Primary School |
Yeomans, C. | 44 | 42, 46 | Image - Playground gates at Henley Beach Primary School |
Yeomans, C. | 44 | 42, 46 | Image - Playground gates at Henley Beach Primary School |
Yeomans, Charles | 40 | 76 to 77 | |
Yeomans, Charles M. (Town Clerk) | 3 | 25 | |
Yeomans, Charles M. (Town Clerk) | 4 | 13 | |
Yeomans, Charles M. (Town Clerk) | 5 | 14 | |
Yeomans, Charles M. (Town Clerk) | 8 | 19, 33 | |
Yeomans, Charles M. (Town Clerk) | 10 | 9 | |
Yeomans, Charles M. (Town Clerk) | 30 | 40 | |
Yeomans, Charles M. (Town Clerk) | 32 | 60 | |
Young Family | 44 | 55 to 56 | Last owner of Fugi Yama |
special publications

This chronology of selected historical events of the H&G story (1836-1986) is the first major publication completed by the H&GHS. Contact us to purchase a PDF copy.

This second major publication completed by the H&GHS features selected articles from the first 30 years of the H&GHS journals. Please contact us to purchase a hard copy.

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H&G Historical Society Journals
Journals 1-20 (1980 – 1999) are free to view or download.
Journal 21 (2000) onward are available to purchase from the H&G Historical Society.
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