Growing up in Grange – Part 1 (5m 27s)
In this video Ayneslie talks about growing up in the small village of Grange after she was born there in 1923.  She remembers her time at Grange Primary school, the very first song she sang there at 4 years of age, Sunday drives in her parent’s car into the foothills of Adelaide, catching crabs at St Kilda beach, getting prickles in her hand when out mushrooming where West Lakes is now and going to the fun fairs and listening to the bands play at Henley Beach.


Working at West Theatre (2m 43s)
In this video, Ayneslie recounts her time working at the West Theatre in Hindley Street during the late 1930s and early 40s, first as an usherette, then in the ticketing office and finally in bookings. She talks about catching the train from Kirkcaldy Station into Adelaide and back again often twice a day and walking home late at night along the middle of Kirkcaldy (now Grange) Road.